Effective Grain Drying With a Portable Grain Aeration Tubes!
The screw-in portable grain aerator tube features a centrifugal fan head with an enclosed, variable speed, high-efficiency 115-volt motor. The motor has a low watt/amp draw of approximately 1 amp and comes with a 5' power cord/plug. The portable grain aerator fan also includes a galvanized steel screen cap and tube adapter, enabling quick, secure mounting to the aerator tube.
The 2-piece galvanized steel aerating tube measures 6' long and has 36" of perforation for optimal air movement. The grain dryer tube also features a screw-in auger point tip and a 24" handle for easy placement into the grain. Capable of aerating grain up to 18' deep, this grain aerator works in both flat and round storage structures. A great drying solution for gravity wagons, grain trucks, grain bins and Quonsets—this portable grain aerator will transform your corn, soybean and other grain drying processes for years to come!
Fan Kit includes Aerator Fan/Motor, Tube Adapter & Screen Cap
Tube Kit includes Aerator Tube & Handle
- Reduce grain loss and labor
- Harvest grain earlier
- Remove moisture and heat from grain
- Cool grain down to 45° F in winter months
- Stop condensation, sweating, and top crusting
- Extra tubes allow a single fan to be moved around