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    Buyer's Guide for Selecting the Best Nozzle for Fungicides

    No two growing seasons are the same. Every year brings unique fluctuations in temperature, varying amounts of precipitation, and different pests which thrive in these various conditions. These many variables make the choice of when to apply fungicides - and which one you should use - a complex decision. Expert guidance is often required to ensure you get the most out of fungicide treatment on your crops.

    The type of sprayer nozzle you use to apply fungicides is just as important as the choice of fungicide itself. The right type of nozzle can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your application, thereby reducing the likelihood of reapplication or subpar results. While I cannot help you decide the best time to apply, I can help you identify the sprayer nozzles that are excellent for use with fungicides.


    Tractor Sprayer in Field


    Understanding Nozzle Requirements for Fungicide Application

    Nozzles play a crucial role in how successful a fungicide treatment can be, including determining the amount of chemical applied, the uniformity of the application, and the potential drift. Different nozzles produce varying droplet size ranges and spray angles. These attributes provide benefits like improved drift reduction, greater canopy penetration, and more precise spray direction.

    In this guide we are going to be referring to the droplet size classification and spray patterns of several different nozzles. If you are not familiar with how spray nozzle droplets are classified, be sure to read this guide to nozzle droplets first.

    As with other spray nozzle applications, the nozzle type you need will depend on your specific fungicide, target pest, crop type, etc. Spray nozzles are not specifically designed for a certain pesticide or fungicide. Instead, they are manufactured to provide specific performance traits. These include GPM, droplet size, spray pattern shape, spray angles, etc.

    Finding the best nozzle requires examining the mode of action (or the means a fungicide uses to eliminate the pest) of fungicide you are using and then identifying a nozzle that can most effectively deliver the liquid to the target surface. It is recommended to always consult an agronomist or local crop care specialist when choosing a fungicide for your unique needs. Here, though, are general guidelines for different types of fungicides:


    Contact Fungicides

    Contact fungicides require thorough coverage of the leaf surfaces to be effective. These fungicides stay on the surface of the foliage and need to cover the entire leaf area to prevent or control the disease. Therefore, it is essential to use nozzles that produce fine to medium droplets. Fine droplets provide a larger number of droplets per unit area, enhancing the coverage and ensuring that all leaf surfaces are uniformly coated.


    Systemic Fungicides

    Systemic fungicides need to reach the lower canopy or soil surface, where they can be absorbed by the plant and translocated to the site of action. These fungicides are typically taken up by the roots, making it important to ensure that the droplets can penetrate the plant canopy and reach these areas. Coarse to very coarse droplets are suitable for systemic fungicides as they are less likely to drift and can more effectively deposit the fungicide at the base of the plant.


    Recommended Spray Nozzles for Fungicides

    When you have identified all the aspects of your scenario, fungicide type, crop type, etc., you can then look at the various nozzles that are recommended for fungicides. Nozzle manufacturers can provide guidance on which of their nozzles will produce the needed coverage and droplet size.


    Wilger Spray Nozzles for Fungicides

    To provide expert insight into the effectiveness of spray applications, I reached out to Chris Bartel from Wilger Inc. Chris shared his expertise and emphasized the importance of achieving optimal coverage in fungicide and insecticide applications.

    "The goal of a fungicide/insecticide contact application is to have complete coverage in the application zone. The more droplets that are in the spray application, the more effective it will be in providing complete coverage. This is done with higher gallons per acre rates coupled with nozzles that are more focused on providing coverage than drift control with a medium or coarse droplet spectrum."

    Chris continued, noting the different options operators have for achieving the best coverage possible. "Combining nozzles in a double down (2 nozzles side-by-side in a straight down orientation) or dual angle (nozzles oriented at an angle forward and backward) application can also allow for better coverage in dense canopy applications by combining tips with different droplet spectrums to get deeper canopy penetration and complete coverage of the entire plant top to bottom."

    Wilger offers a wide range of spray nozzles, but these two series they offer provide optimal performance when fungicides are involved.


    ER Series

    • Droplet Size: Fine to Extremely Coarse
    • Excellent for Fungicides
    • Provides fine droplet for excellent coverage in applications where drift is not a concern.

    Red Wilger ER Combo Jet Nozzle

    Wilger ER Series Nozzles


    SR Series

    • Droplet Size: Fine to Ultra Coarse
    • Excellent for contact fungicides
    • Provides about 50% fewer driftable fines compared to the ER series.

    Greenleaf Technologies Spray Nozzles for Fungicides

    "Fungicide application is coverage critical, so we would recommend using a DualFan nozzle of some sort" said Clay DeGruy, a spray nozzle specialist with Greenleaf Technologies. Clay's statement reinforces the importance of coverage in fungicide applications, and Greenleaf offers several nozzles that fit that objective.


    TurboDrop XL (TDXL), Turbo Drop XL-D (TDXL-D)

    • Droplet Size: Medium to Extremely Coarse (Very Coarse to Ultra Coarse produced by TDXL-D)
    • Excellent with contact fungicides and systemic fungicides
    • Advantages: Designed for higher pressures (60-120 psi), providing excellent drift control and coverage. Ideal for penetrating dense crop canopies.


    AirMix (AM)

    • Droplet Size: Medium to Coarse
    • Excellent with contact and systemic fungicides
    • Advantages: Operates effectively at lower pressures (15-30 psi), reduces drift while maintaining good coverage.


    TurboDrop DualFan (TADF)

    • Droplet Size: Fine to Extremely Coarse
    • Excellent for Systemic and Contact Fungicides
    • Advantages: Suitable for a wide pressure range (30-120 psi), featuring dual spray fans for improved coverage and reduced drift.

    TADF11003 Dual Fan Nozzle

    Greenleaf DualFan Nozzle


    TeeJet Spray Nozzles for Fungicides

    Turbo TeeJet Wide Angle Flat Spray Tips (TT)

    • Droplet Size: Fine to Coarse
    • Excellent for contact fungicides and very good for systemic fungicides.
    • Advantages: Fine droplets provide best coverage in conditions where drift is not a concern.


    Extended-Range Flat-Fan Nozzles (XR)

    • Droplet Size: Fine to Coarse
    • Excellent for contact fungicides and good for systemic fungicides
    • Advantages: Provides excellent spray distribution over a wide range of pressures, making them versatile and effective for various applications.


    Turbo TwinJet (TTJ60)

    • Droplet Size: Medium to Very Coarse
    • Excellent for contact fungicides, very good for systemic. Superior leaf coverage and canopy penetration
    • Advantages: Dual spray fans provide two passes in one application, hitting the target from two different spray angles increasing the chances of reaching plant surface.

    TeeJet TTJ6011010VP-CE Spray Nozzles

    Turbo TwinJet Nozzle


    AI Turbo TwinJet (AITTJ)

    • Droplet Size: Medium to Ultra Coarse
    • Excellent for systemic fungicides. Very good for contact fungicides
    • Advantages: Dual fans to provide increased number droplets and coverage while still creating coarser droplets to mitigate drift.


    AI3070 Air-Induction Dual Pattern

    • Droplet Size: Medium to Ultra Coarse
    • Excellent for fungicide application in wheat and other cereal grains
    • Advantages: The 30° forward-tilted spray effectively penetrates dense crop canopies, while the 70° backward-tilted spray effectively targets the spike or head of grain.


    Hypro Spray Nozzles for Fungicide

    Guardian Spray Nozzles

    • Droplet Size: Fine to Very Coarse
    • Excellent for fungicide
    • Advantages: Wide 120-degree pattern and tilted fan allows user to spray forward or rearward to suit your application.


    GuardianAir Twin Nozzles

    • Droplet Size: Medium to Very Coarse
    • Excellent for fungicide application
    • Advantages: More droplets per gallon produced by dual fan pattern.


    Keys to Remember When Selecting Spray Nozzles for Fungicides

    Whenever you are selecting a spray nozzle, it is important to follow the label on the product you are using. Also, there may be more than one type of nozzle that can give you excellent results. The key is to consider the needs of your specific application and then identify a nozzle that will provide the necessary spray pattern, droplet size, etc. Whatever type of fungicide you decide to apply you know you can identify a nozzle that will give you effective results.

    For help finding or sizing a sprayer nozzle contact our sales team. You can also read our other resources on sprayer nozzles:



    Shane Blomendahl, Author

    Tech Ag & Industrial Sales

    Shane Blomendahl is a tech sales veteran at Dultmeier Sales with over 10+ years of experience in liquid handling products covering several industries and applications.

    Learn More About Author

    (0) Understanding Droplet Sizes Produced by Agricultural Sprayer Nozzles

    Despite all the expensive and sophisticated components on a sprayer, the tiny nozzles on your boom are still the number one factor impacting your sprayer's performance. You may have a high-volume pump, state of the art GPS guidance system, and stainless-steel boom, but the nozzle ultimately has the greatest influence on a sprayer's effectiveness.

    One of the main factors a sprayer nozzle dictates is the droplet size that is dispersed over the target. Droplet size is important because it affects several aspects:

    • Drift: Larger droplets are less prone to drifting to areas you don't want sprayed, such as your neighbor's field
    • Coverage: Smaller droplets can typically provide better coverage, giving you the best chance to eliminate targeted weeds or pests
    • Penetration: Droplet size affects ability to penetrate dense canopies, ensuring that pests or weeds are effectively targeted
    • Adherence: Smaller droplets tend to adhere better to plant surfaces
    • Evaporation: Affects amount of liquid deposited on the target area rather than being lost to the surrounding environment or evaporation

    When selecting a nozzle for your sprayer, it is vital to not only consider the droplet size but also the entire droplet size range a nozzle produces. In the rest of this guide, we will look at what droplet size means, what affects droplet size, and how different nozzles compare.


    Understanding Droplet Size

    Droplet size refers to how big each droplet of sprayed liquid is. Their size is measured in microns. A micron (1 µ) is a very tiny unit equal to 1/25,000 of an inch or about 0.001 millimeters. So, when we talk about droplet size, we're talking about the diameter, or width, of each droplet.

    Just like sprayer nozzle sizes, droplet size classification is defined by international standards (ISO 25358 and ASABE S572.3). This classification system divides droplet sizes into specific categories so different nozzle types and brands can be compared. The categories are as follows:


    Droplet Size


    Color Code

    Approx Micron Range

    Extremely Fine



    Less than 60

    Very Fine



    60 to 145




    146 to 225




    226 to 325




    326 to 400

    Very Coarse



    401 to 500

    Extremely Coarse



    501 to 650

    Ultra Coarse



    Greater than 650


    These categories help in identifying and selecting the appropriate droplet size for different agricultural spraying applications. Each category is defined by specific droplet size ranges measured in microns (µ).

    Spray nozzle charts show the droplet size produced by a nozzle at various pressures. It will be displayed with the abbreviation and color code shown above. It is important to note that this indicates the size of the majority of the droplets and not all the droplets dispersed by that particular nozzle.

    Example: If a nozzle chart indicates that a sprayer tip will produce Coarse (C) droplets, that nozzle can still produce finer droplets, but the majority will be Coarse. The image below shows the droplet size produced by the different sizes of a nozzle at various pressures:

    Chart showing various types of agricultural sprayer nozzles and their specifications.

    You can see in the chart that a red nozzle (04 size) will most often produce Medium (M) droplets within the pressure range of 20-40 PSI. If the operating pressure is below 20 PSI, however, then the size of droplets produced changes from Medium to Coarse (C). Conversely, if the pressure increases to 60 PSI the majority of the droplets will be Fine (F).


    How Droplet Size Impacts Spray Quality

    Drift: When it comes to spraying, drift is a major concern. Not only does drift reduce the effectiveness of your spray, but it can pose a potential threat to neighboring crops, waterways, wildlife, and people. Larger droplets are less prone to drift because they are heavier and fall more directly onto the target. This means they are less likely to be carried away by the wind. ensuring that your herbicide lands where it's intended and not on neighboring crops or non-spray areas.

    Another important concept to understand when discussing drift and considering nozzle selection is driftable fines. These are the very small droplets that are extremely susceptible to drift. Any droplet under 150 microns (µ) is considered a draftable fine. Nozzle literature typically indicates the percentage of the droplets produced by that specific nozzle that fall into the category of driftable fines.

    Here are two videos illustrating the importance of selecting the proper sprayer nozzle and the effect that droplet size has on drift reduction:


    You can see there is a clear difference between the amount of liquid affected by wind, highlighting the importance of nozzle selection.

    Coverage: Smaller droplets generally provide better coverage. They can spread more evenly over the target surface, which is essential for effective pest and weed control. However, this also means they are more susceptible to drift, so it's a balancing act to achieve the right droplet size for your specific needs.

    As the videos above show, even though smaller droplets provide better coverage in ideal conditions, you can potentially get better coverage from larger droplets because more liquid is getting to the target.

    Penetration: Droplet size significantly affects the ability to penetrate dense canopies. Smaller droplets can move more easily through thick foliage, ensuring that the herbicide reaches the inner parts of the plant where pests or weeds might be hiding. This thorough coverage is vital for effective treatment.

    Adherence: Smaller droplets tend to adhere better to plant surfaces. Their lightweight nature allows them to stick more easily to leaves and stems, providing a more uniform application and treatment. This is particularly important for contact herbicides, which need to stay on the plant surface for a period of time to be effective.

    Deposition/Evaporation: The size of the droplets also influences the amount of liquid deposited on the target area versus what is lost to the surrounding environment or through evaporation. Larger droplets deposit more liquid on the target, reducing the amount lost to evaporation. This means more of the herbicide remains on the plants, enhancing its effectiveness and reducing waste.


    How a Sprayer Nozzle Impacts Droplet Size

    The importance of choosing the proper spray nozzle cannot be understated, because it is the very design of a nozzle that has the greatest impact on droplet size. As the liquid comes out of the sprayer nozzle, it doesn't just flow smoothly; instead, it breaks up from a solid "sheet" to smaller sheets (also called ligaments), and then finally droplets. The size and spread (spray pattern) of the droplets depends heavily in how the spray tip was engineered but can also change depending on the viscosity of the liquid, the flow rate of the nozzle, and the pressure at which the nozzle/liquid is being sprayed/p>

    The size and distribution of the nozzles throughout the width of the spray pattern varies depending on the nozzle type. Nozzles have precise, intricate internal fluid paths designed to generate a specific range of droplet sizes.Some herbicides require that you use a nozzle with larger droplets. Typically, in the extremely coarse range or larger. One of the common means used by nozzle manufacturers to create larger droplets is air induction.

    This is the process of pulling air into the nozzle to fill the droplets with air, resulting in an overall larger sized droplet. There are several different nozzle types that accomplish this, and different manufacturers utilize different designs.

    It's important to note that not all nozzles that produce extremely coarse or ultra coarse droplets use air-induction technology. As more sophisticated spray methods are developed, nozzle technology will continue to adapt to increase efficiency and precision.

    Close-up of a blue spray nozzle used for specific applications.

    Selecting the Right Droplet Size for Your Application

    The details behind droplet size creation and classification are important but ultimately the most important question is, "What droplet size do I need for my application and which nozzle will produce it for me?"

    Answering that question requires that we consider all the factors involved in your specific scenarioThe first and most important guideline is the pesticide label. If specific instructions are provided in the product label in terms of droplet size required, then that guideline is the lawFollowing the label ensures you have the best chance at avoiding any unintended consequences during or after spraying. In addition to this, there are several other aspects of spraying that might indicate you should use a droplet size that is finer or coarser.

    Here are several factors to consider and why they would potentially affect which size droplets you need:

    • Crop Type: The foliage and leaves of various crops can present obstacles. For example, if you need to penetrate a dense canopy you may want nozzles that produce smaller droplets for better penetration.
    • Pesticide Type: The type of pesticide-whether it's a herbicide, insecticide, or fungicide-affects nozzle choice. Contact pesticides generally need smaller droplets for thorough coverage, whereas systemic pesticides can use larger droplets.
    • Target Pest or Disease: The specific pest or disease being targeted dictates the required droplet size. For instance, pests on the underside of leaves or deep within the canopy might require smaller droplets that can navigate through the foliage, whereas surface pests can be controlled with larger droplets.
    • Weather Conditions: Wind, temperature, and humidity significantly impact spray applications. Windy conditions necessitate nozzles that produce larger droplets to reduce drift, while calm conditions allow for finer droplets. High temperatures and low humidity increase evaporation rates, so larger droplets may be needed to ensure adequate deposition.
    • Drift Tolerance: Areas with sensitive neighboring crops or habitats require nozzles that minimize drift. Air induction nozzles producing very coarse droplets are often used in such scenarios to keep the spray on target and prevent damage to surrounding areas.
    • Spraying Speed: The speed at which you spray affects droplet size and distribution. Faster speeds can cause smaller droplets to drift, so selecting nozzles that produce larger droplets at higher speeds can help maintain effective coverage and reduce drift. When spraying across a range of speeds, you need a nozzle that will maintain your desired droplet size range at both lower and higher pressures.
    • Operating Pressure: The pressure at which the spray system operates impacts droplet size. Higher pressure generally produces finer droplets, while lower pressure produces coarser droplets. Choosing nozzles compatible with your operating pressure ensures consistent and effective spray patterns.
    • Boom Height: The height of the spray boom above the crop affects coverage and drift. Lower boom heights reduce drift but require nozzles that can maintain a uniform spray pattern at closer range. Higher boom heights need nozzles that produce larger droplets to ensure they reach the target without drifting.

    Note: These are guidelines, no two applications are going to be the same and there may be more factors you need to consider.End users should always speak with their local crop consultant for specific application requirements/nozzle selection.


    With so many different things to keep in mind, landing on one specific spray nozzle can be quite the task. The good news is that there are likely several nozzle types across the different manufacturers that will work in your scenario. The key is trying to zero in on one that will provide the best results based on all the variables involved.

    Nozzle selection may involve some trial and error, but we can get you off to a good start. The nozzle manufacturers offer extensive resources that detail the droplets sizes and other performance factors of a given type of nozzle family.

    They also provide nozzle selection tools to walk you through the process:

    Selecting a sprayer nozzle also involves calculating the correct nozzle size for your application rate. For more information on this, be sure to examine this guide to sizing sprayer nozzles as well as the complete guide to sprayer nozzle numbers.


    Recommended Sprayer Nozzles for Various Droplet Size Requirements

    Dultmeier sales carries a wide selection of sprayer nozzles that deliver a wide range of droplet sizes. Whether you need fine droplets for thorough coverage of plant tissue, need larger droplets to follow herbicide label requirements, or you require a nozzle that is approved for use with a PWM system:

    Sizing Nozzles for a PWM system is a bit different than for standard spray nozzles. Learn more in this article on properly sizing nozzles for PWM.


    Maximize Coverage with Coarser Droplets

    One of the natural concerns when using a nozzle that produces larger droplets is "Will I still get good coverage?". With all things being equal, traditional flat fan nozzles like the Turbo Teejet or XR Teejet, which produce droplets in the Coarse, Medium, and Fine categories, offer better coverage. However, when we add in higher spraying speeds (10+ MPH), consistent wind (no one ever deals with wind while spraying, right?), and significant evaporation conditions, larger droplets can deliver more spray on target because they are more resistant to these factors.

    When Extremely Coarse and Ultra Coarse droplet sizes are required but you are still concerned about adequate coverage, there are some options. For one, you can utilize dual fan nozzles instead of single flat fan nozzles.

    Dual fan nozzles still produce the same size droplet as a single fan nozzle, but there are two separate spray fans directed at the target, at two different angles. Two fans allow you to retain desired droplet size while also increasing the number of spray angles at which to spray your target. More spray angles equals better coverage.

    Turbo Twin Tee-Jet Air Induction 05

    TTI TwinJet Nozzles Provides 2 fans at a 60-degree angle from one another.

    TADF-D model, featuring parts for industrial use

    GreenLeaf Dual Fan Nozzles alternatively offer a 10-degree forward angle and a 50-degree rear angle. These nozzles can be alternated on your nozzle bodies, and by pointing one "forward" then the next one "backward", you are able to produce four different angles of spray directed toward your target.

    (h3) Best Practices for Managing Droplet Size

    In addition to the nozzle type there are different techniques that you can employ to help manage the droplet size dispersed from your sprayer:

    • Control the Pressure: Adjust the operating pressure to influence droplet size. Higher pressure creates finer droplets, while lower pressure produces coarser droplets.
    • Mind the Weather: Pay attention to weather conditions. Spray on calm days to minimize drift and avoid spraying during high temperatures or low humidity to reduce evaporation.
    • Boom Height: A higher boom level can increase the overlap and coverage, but it can also lead to more drift. A lower boom height reduces the chance of droplets drifting off target.
    • Spraying Speed: Adjust your spraying speed as needed. Finer droplets may be less prone to drift at slower speeds, faster speeds might require larger droplets to stay on target.
    • Regular Cleaning: Clean your nozzles regularly to prevent clogging and ensure consistent spray patterns. Use soft brushes or compressed air to avoid damaging the nozzle.
    • Check for Wear: Inspect nozzles for wear and tear. Worn nozzles can produce uneven droplet sizes and poor spray patterns, reducing effectiveness. You can use spray pattern test paper or an electronic sprayer calibrator to evaluate your nozzles and identify any that are worn and not delivering a consistent spray pattern.Nozzles that overspray by 20% or more are considered worn and should be replaced.



    Precision spraying entails a lot of complexity, and it all begins with choosing the right tip to achieve your desired droplet size. Understanding droplet size is crucial for successful spray application. The right nozzle can make all the difference when it comes to coverage, drift, and overall effectiveness. Navigating the complexities of droplet size and spray nozzle selection can be daunting. However, with some time and expert guidance, choosing the right nozzle for your specific needs can become a straightforward and stress-free process.

    If you have questions or would like help identifying a sprayer nozzle to meet your needs, please reach out to our agriculture sales team!


    Shane Blomendahl, Author

    Tech Ag & Industrial Sales

    Shane Blomendahl is a tech sales veteran at Dultmeier Sales with over 10+ years of experience in liquid handling products covering several industries and applications.

    Learn More About Author

    Car Wash Wiper Bag Guide 

    Whether you are in the car wash industry or not, you may have noticed those plastic bags covering the windshield wipers of a car driving past you on the road. This may seem like an odd sight but there is a valid reason behind this anomaly.


    What is a Wiper Bag?

    A wiper bag is a protective covering specifically designed to shield windshield wipers during the car wash process. These bags are typically made from durable, water-resistant materials such as plastic or heavy-duty vinyl. They are easy to slip on and off and come in various sizes to fit different types of windshield wipers.

    car wash wiper bags


    Why Put Bags on Wipers?

    There are several key reasons why car wash operators and vehicle owners use wiper bags:


    Protection of Wipers

    Wiper bags protect the delicate rubber blades of the wipers from harsh chemicals, high-pressure water jets, and mechanical parts within the car wash. This ensures that the wipers are not damaged or worn out prematurely.

    This is especially needed on rear wipers of vehicles. Soft cloth material in conveyor type car washes can get caught in the wipers and cause damage to the wiper and the brushes.


    Prevent Streaking

    Unprotected wipers can sometimes leave streaks or marks on the windshield after a wash. Wiper bags help avoid this by keeping the wipers clean and free from chemical residues.


    Ensure Thorough Cleaning

    By covering the wipers, the car wash system can focus on cleaning the windshield and the rest of the vehicle without interference, resulting in a more thorough and even wash.


    Customer Satisfaction

    For car wash businesses, using wiper bags demonstrates a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. It shows that the business takes extra steps to protect the customer's vehicle, leading to higher customer trust and repeat business.


    What Is the Most Common Wiper Bag Size?

    Dultmeier Sales offers two different sizes of wiper bags in rolls of 500:

    • 3 Inch: DUWWB50, 3" Wide x 27" Long, 1.5 Mil
    • 5 Inch: DUWWB75, 5" Wide x 27" Long, 1.5 Mil

    The 3-inch wiper bags are by far the most common size we sell.


    Choosing the Right Pump for Soft Wash Systems

    When setting up a soft wash system, you have lots of options when it comes to equipment. Selecting the right pump is one aspect that can make or break your entire setup. Softwash jobs require a balance of power to reach tall heights and low pressure to be gentle on surfaces.

    The good news is that there are many options. The bad news is that all these options might have you feeling overwhelmed. Ultimately, any of these softwash pump options work. It comes down to your personal preferences and budget. So how about we get into the various softwash pump types and examine their pros and cons?


    Pump Types Used for Softwash

    A diaphragm pump is the most common pump type used in the softwash industry. The are different varieties in terms of the amount of flow and pressure they will achieve as well as the means used to power them.

    12-volt and gas-engine-driven pumps are extremely common due to the mobile nature of the business. 110-volt, hydraulic, or air-driven can also be used if you have the means available, however, these often require more investment in additional equipment or access to electricity at the job site. In this guide, we are going to focus on the 12-volt and gas-engine pump options.

    Another important factor is the material construction of the pump. Soft wash pumps need to be compatible with sodium hypochlorite solutions. The best materials for this application are polypropylene, Viton, Santoprene, and polyethylene.


    12 & 24-Volt Soft Wash Pumps

    Even if you are new to the softwash world, you will probably recognize this type of pump. 12-volt diaphragm pumps are extremely versatile and user-friendly. They are used in many different industries from RV's, marine, pest control, automotive, and more.

    12-volt pumps come in a range of sizes. There are 12-volt pumps that can produce a maximum flow rate of about 7 GPM. The maximum PSI you can get from a 12-volt pump is about 700. However, you won't find one that delivers 7 GPM at 700 psi because 12 volts doesn't provide enough power to do so.

    At higher pressure, these pumps are only capable of delivering a low flow rate, usually less than one gallon per minute. A 12-volt pump delivering 7 GPM will do so only at very low PSI. (We will get into the flow and pressure requirements needed for different jobs in the next section.)

    24-volt diaphragm pumps operate the same as 12-volt diaphragm pumps but they generally offer higher flow rates and pressure, which means greater spray distance or reach.


    Demand Pumps

    The specific style of 12 & 24-volt pump used for softwash applications is a demand-style pump. A demand pump is designed to provide flow "on demand." This type of pump uses a pressure switch to automatically control the motor based on the pressure in the system.

    When your spray wand trigger or valve is closed, the pressure builds up, and the demand switch shuts off the motor. When the trigger or valve is opened, the pressure drops, the switch deactivates, and the motor restarts, allowing liquid to flow again. This mechanism is used to help you conveniently operate your system without wasting battery or overheating your motor.


    12/24-Volt Pump Pros & Cons


    • Inexpensive
    • Easy to replace
    • Quiet
    • No oil changes or re-fueling


    • Shorter lifespan relative to other diaphragm pump types
    • Repair costs often justify replacing the entire pump
    • Cycling pressure switch can burn out the motor and relay


    12-Volt Pump Options:

    24 volt soft wash pumps

    24-Volt Soft Wash Pumps:

    You can see more 12 & 24-Volt options here.


    Engine-Driven Diaphragm Pumps for Softwash

    When it comes to mobile softwash options, 12V, and 24V pumps are handy but have limitations in flow and pressure. This is where gas engine-driven pumps step in. Thanks to the increased horsepower of a gas engine, these pumps can deliver a much higher volume per minute and significantly greater PSI.

    The enhanced volume and pressure mean you can achieve spray distances and heights far beyond what a 12V pump can offer. With the right plumbing and spray gun/nozzle combination, you can easily reach distances over 50 feet. This capability makes tackling larger jobs such as commercial buildings a breeze. You can effortlessly spray buildings over two stories high and reach rooftops.

    Moreover, gas engine-driven pumps are more durable. They can be rebuilt and will last several years if properly maintained. They are a long-term solution for extensive softwash needs.


    Engine-Driven Diaphragm Pump Pros & Cons:


    • Greater reach due to higher volume and pressure
    • More volume for larger jobs and taller buildings
    • Durable and repairable, equalling a longer lifespan


    • Requires regular oil changes for both the pump and engine
    • Diaphragms need periodic replacement
    • More expensive to repair
    • Additional cost of fuel to run the engine
    • Significantly more expensive than 12-volt pumps


    Engine-driven soft wash pump options

    engine driven diaphragm pumps for soft wash


    Sizing Your Softwash Pump

    Probably the number one question you have is "What pump will help me spray two-story buildings, roofs, etc.". In other words, what is the spray distance of these different pumps?

    It is crucial to understand that spray distance is not just a matter of your pump's size. The pump's flow and pressure specifications are the starting point. We can identify the potential reach from a particular pump, but the pump is not the only factor determining spray distance. The nozzle size, nozzle type, inside diameter of your hose, etc., will contribute to or detract from the effective spray distance of your softwash system.

    There are two aspects of "pump size" to consider: the flow rate and the pressure it will produce. A pump needs to deliver enough flow that will allow you to cover an area quickly, but you don't want to overspend on a large pump if you don't need it. You also need the right combination of flow and pressure to propel your cleaning solution high enough to reach second-story walls and roofs.

    With this in mind, we can pinpoint some common applications and the pumps that will work in those scenarios assuming you pair them with the proper equipment.

    For more information on the accessories needed for effective softwash, you can view these pages on softwash spray guns and nozzles:


    Recommended Pump Sizes for Common Soft Wash Applications

    Residential Cleaning

    Cleaning a two-story home requires a system to spray at least 20 feet in the air. And if you want to clean the roof as well, you're going to need more spray height than that. For these applications, you can rely on the 12-volt family of pumps that flow 5 GPM and reach pressures up to 100 PSI. Paired with the right nozzles and spray gun this pump will have no trouble reaching 30 feet or higher.

    The Everflow SW5500 pump is specifically designed to be used with bleach and other types of disinfectant solutions. In addition to bleach-resistant materials, It features a motor shield that will shut off the pump if a leak is detected.

    Of course, there are other 12-volt options available that work great: 12-Volt Softwash Pump Options


    Commercial and Larger Projects

    If you plan to do buildings that are taller than two stories and larger than a typical house, you may want to consider a gas engine-driven pump.

    1. Large Surfaces: For cleaning large commercial buildings, parking lots, or extensive residential properties, a pump producing more than 5 GPM is recommended. The increased flow rate can significantly reduce cleaning time.
    2. Multiple Users: If your setup involves multiple users cleaning different areas simultaneously, a higher flow rate pump will ensure that both operators receive sufficient solution pressure.


    Example of Gas-Engine Driven Softwash Pump:

    gas engine driven soft wash pumps



    Selecting the right pump for your softwash system depends on your specific needs and the scale of your projects. 12-volt pumps are inexpensive and effective for residential jobs. If you plan to clean larger commercial buildings a gas-engine unit offers more flow and reliability but they are more expensive.

    If you have questions or want to talk with someone about the softwash pump options available, give us a call


    Tech Ag & Industrial Sales

    Shane Blomendahl is a tech sales veteran at Dultmeier Sales with over 10+ years of experience in liquid handling products covering several industries and applications.

    Learn More About Author

    MP Pumps: Ag, Petroleum, & Industrial Fluid Transfer Solutions

    MP Pumps has been manufacturing quality centrifugal pumps for more than 80 years. Over this time, they have developed and improved upon their designs to offer reliable and affordable fluid-handling options for a variety of industries and applications.

    There is almost certainly an MP pump that will work for you, but sorting through the various types can be tough. As a master MP Pumps distributor, Dultmeier Sales can help you pinpoint the right one. Here's a detailed look at the different MP Pumps available, their common uses, and the advantages and disadvantages of each type.


    MP Pumps Company Overview

    MP Pumps has been around since 1942, proudly crafting high-quality centrifugal pumps from their home base in Fraser, Michigan. They've got a pump for just about everything from making sure your fertilizer and ag chemical system runs without a hitch to keeping industrial processes flowing smoothly, to moving petroleum products efficiently.


    MP Pumps Company Info:

    • Founding: 1942
    • Location: Fraser, Michigan.
    • Phone Number: (800) 563-8006
    • Parent Company: Ingersoll Rand
    • Website: MP Pumps


    Industries Covered:

    • Agriculture
    • Fuel
    • Transportation
    • Irrigation
    • Marine
    • Industrial


    MP Pump Types

    MP Pumps has an extensive product line. They manufacture self-priming pumps, straight centrifugal pumps, chemical pumps, circulator pumps, petroleum pumps, and more.

    Dultmeier Sales can supply just about any MP pump but we focus primarily on the ag, industrial, and petroleum pumps. These industries rely on the MP Flomax, Chemflo, and Petrolmaxx lines. One of the most common is the Flomax self-priming pump series, so let's start there.


    MP Flomax

    Description: These are self-priming centrifugal pumps. Available in materials like cast iron and stainless steel. Versatile, and capable of handling a wide variety of fluids. Many parts are interchangeable with other Flomax models.


    Common Uses: The MP Flomax pump can be implemented in countless situations. Dultmeier Sales has been selling the Flomax series pump for use in agriculture for several years. Specifically, nurse trailer and sprayer tender truck transfer pumps, as well as fertilizer and agrochemical bulk plant pumps. They are excellent at handling water, agrochemicals, and fertilizer but they can be used with other liquids as well.


    Key Features:

    • Capable of flows up to 750 GPM.
    • Handles pressures up to 230 head feet.
    • Stainless steel shaft sleeve for durability and corrosion resistance.
    • Self-Priming
    • Viton seals standard
    • Removable bolt-on FNPT flanges means your piping remains in place when servicing the pump
    • Wear plate can be replaced to extend the life of the pump
    • Suction check-valve holds liquid, protecting the pump seal when it re-primes

    Find Flomax Pumps Ready to Ship Today!


    Flomax Pump Options

    When it comes to connecting the pump to an engine or motor, MP offers the Flomax pump in two basic configurations. The pedestal version and the PumpPak version.


    Pedestal: A pedestal pump is designed to be long-coupled to motors, or other drives. It features a bearing pedestal and solid shaft.


    MP Pumps 21339 Flomax 8 Pedestal Pump


    PumpPAK: This version of the Flomax pump is designed to be mounted directly to an engine or motor. There are versions to mount on gas-enines, hydraulic motors, and C-face electric motors.


    MP Pumps 21327 Flomax 8 pedestal pump


    Flomax Pump Sizes

    Flow rate is always key for any pump type. There are Flomax pumps made to deliver up to 750 GPM:

    • Flomax 5 - 1-1/2 inch ports, Up to 145 GPM
    • Flomax 8 - 2 inch ports, Up to 170 GPM
    • Flomax 10 - 2 inch ports, Up to 225 GPM
    • Flomax 15 - 3 inch ports, Up to 320 GPM
    • Flomax 30 - 3 inch ports, Up to 500 GPM
    • Flomax 40 - 4 inch ports, Up to 750 GPM

    Find Flomax Pumps Ready to Ship Today!



    The Flomax line is available in several materials. Pumps constructed with cast iron housings and impellers, stainless shafts, and Viton seals are most common. All stainless pumps are available for more corrosive applications.


    Pump Drives

    An MP Flomax pump can be driven a number of ways. Whether you require an electric motor, engine, or hydraulic motor. The pedestal pump version can be assembled on a baseplate with motor and long-coupled together. The PumpPak version can be mated directly or close-coupled to C-face electric motors or gas engines.

    Various shaft sleeve sizes and bolt patterns are available so you can easily connect an MP pump to almost any C-face motor or gas engine.

    If you would like a more detailed explanation of close-coupled and long-coupled pump units, be sure to read this guide to the best fertilizer pump options.


    Chemflo Series

    Description: Some liquids are more harsh on pumps than others. The MP Chemflo stainless steel pump family is built to withstand more severe applications and corrosive liquids. There are several different variations within this family to be compatible with different types of liquids.

    MP CHEMFLO Centrifugal Pump

    Common Uses: Agricultural chemical mixing, fertilizer transfer, water treatment, de-icing liquids, and other industrial fluid transfer.

    Key Features:

    • Corrosion-resistant 316 stainless wetted components
    • Suitable for a wide range of chemicals
    • Available in a variety of sizes


    MP Chemflo Pump Options

    The Chemflo pump family is made up of more than 30 unique models. These different models are designed to be used in many different applications. They vary in flowrate, drive type, port size (flanged & NPT), etc.



    Chemflo pumps come in very low to high-flow options. Their CFX pumps have 1/2 to 1-inch ports with flow rates ranging from 10-40 GPM. The larger versions are available with 1-1/2 up to 3-inch ports and these pumps will provide maximum flow rates of 150-395 GPM.



    One of the primary features of this pump series is the cast 316 stainless steel components used to construct the pump. While stainless is not an answer for 100% of liquids, it does offer resistance to the effects of a much wider range of liquids when compared to cast iron.

    While the housing, impeller, and other components are made from stainless steel, the mechanical seal is available with a variety of options including Viton, EPDM, and Teflon. You can always refer to our chemical compatibility charts to evaluate which materials and elastomers will be compatible with the liquid you need to pump.


    Drive Options

    Like other MP pumps, the Chemflo series comes in a variety of setups included long-coupled pump and motor units, close-coupled pump and motor units, and hydraulic-driven units.

    For more details and an explanation of close-coupled and long-coupled pump units, be sure to read this guide to the best fertilizer pump options.


    PetrolMaxx Series

    Description: Pumping fuels in high-volume applications requires the right type of pump for efficiency, compatibility, and safety. MP's PetrolMaxx series is a self-priming pump similar in design to the Flomax family but constructed with materials compatible with fuels. There are variations to ensure compatibility with diesel, biodiesel, gasoline, E85, and more.

    MP25POP PetrolMaxx Pump Unit

    Common Uses: High-volume fuel transfer. Loading and unloading bulk fuel trailers and trucks. Filling large equipment for construction and agriculture.

    Key Features:

    • Self-priming
    • Available to mate directly to engines/motors or with a bearing pedestal for long coupling
    • Flow rates of 150-700 GPM
    • Options for Ethanol, Biodiesel, Gasoline, Diesel, and More


    MP PetrolMaxx Options

    For safety and compatibility, it's crucial to use the right pump for each type of fuel. That's why MP has created a variety of pump models designed specifically for different fuels. Each model is built with materials that match the unique properties of the fuel it's meant to handle, ensuring safe and reliable operation.

    One of the most popular versions is made to handle diesel. Dultmeier sells hundreds of two-inch PetrolMaxx pumps driven by gas-engines for high-volume diesel fuel transfer. These pump units help fill equipment much faster than the common 12-volt fuel pumps. You can get flow rates well over 100 GPM with the right size hose and fuel filters.


    MP Petroleum Pump Sizes

    • 1-1/2 Inch
    • 2 x 2 Inch
    • 3 x 3 Inch
    • 4 x 3 Inch
    • 4 x 4 Inch

    See More MP PetrolMaxx Pump Options Here



    As mentioned earlier, the PetrolMaxx family of pumps consists of several pumps fitted for specific fuels. The materials used include: steel, aluminum, cast iron, ductile iron, nitrile, 316 SS, Viton, Ni-resist, and more.


    Drive Options

    You can fit a PetrolMaxx pump to a gas-engine, electric motor, or hydraulic motor. It is important to note that some fuel types may require the use of an explosion-proof motor or gas-engine.

    Dultmeier sales builds pump units on baseplates for easy installation. The units are available close coupled to electric motors or engines, and long coupled to electric motors. There is also a complete fuel unit with a hose reel, pump, fuel filters, fuel nozzle, and base plate.


    MP Pump PetrolMaxx Gas Engine Driven Pump Unit

    View All Pump & Engine Units

    MP3010C Transfer Pump Unit

    View Pump & Electric Motor Units


    Final Thoughts

    MP Pumps has been a reliable supplier for years offering a wide range of pump solutions. Dultmeier sales has relied on MP as a competitively priced and durable pump for the rigors of the primary industries we have served. Including the fertilizer and ag chemical world as well as for de-icing, industrial, and fuel transfer.


    Shane Blomendahl, Author

    Tech Ag & Industrial Sales

    Shane Blomendahl is a tech sales veteran at Dultmeier Sales with over 10+ years of experience in liquid handling products covering several industries and applications.

    Learn More About Author

    Exploring Boomless Sprayers: Advantages, Applications and Setup

    Imagine being able to spray a large pasture and doing it without a large and cumbersome boom. With a boomless sprayer, you can do just that!

    With no boom to negotiate around obstacles, a boomless sprayer is a convenient way to cover large areas. However, it is not suited for every type of application. Today we're going to break down the ins and outs of boomless sprayers. We will explain specifically what they are, how they operate, and when you should use them.


    What is a Boomless Sprayer?

    A "boomless" sprayer is designed to distribute liquids, such as herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers, without the traditional long, horizontal boom. Instead, these sprayers use specialized nozzles to achieve wide coverage without the extensive boom. This offers several advantages.


    A conventional sprayer boom has long arms extending from the sides of a sprayer that hold several nozzles at set intervals, providing a uniform application over a wide swath. In contrast, boomless sprayers use one or more "boomless" nozzles that are mounted at the rear of a sprayer. These nozzles can cover a similar span in one pass as a conventional boom.


    Conventional Boom vs Boomless Setup:


    boomless sprayer


    Common Applications of a Boomless Sprayer

    Boomless sprayers have gained popularity due to their unique advantages over conventional boom sprayers. They are particularly useful in areas with obstacles, uneven terrain, or narrow paths where maneuverability and flexibility are crucial. The absence of a boom reduces the risk of damage to equipment and surrounding fences, buildings, etc. This makes boomless sprayers a practical choice for farmers, ranchers, turf care pros, and property managers.


    Boomless sprayers can be used for several applications:

    1. Pasture spraying: Ranchers can spray areas of their pastures that are hard to access with a large spray boom. It allows you to spray steep hillsides, ravines, and fence lines.
    2. Landscaping: Landscapers benefit from the flexibility of boomless sprayers when maintaining large lawns, parks, and golf courses. Without a boom, it is much easier to navigate around trees, bushes, and other landscape features making it an efficient tool for maintaining green spaces.
    3. Forestry: In forestry management, boomless sprayers are employed to apply treatments over large, wooded areas. Their ability to cover wide swathes of land quickly and effectively helps in pest control and vegetation management.
    4. Golf Course: Spraying Greens from the fringe.
    5. Municipal and Public Works: Municipal workers use boomless sprayers for tasks such as roadside weed control and maintaining public parks. The ease of use and wide coverage make them suitable for maintaining large public spaces.
    6. Food Plots: Many boomless sprayers can fit on ATVs and UTVs making them perfect for spraying remote food plots for wild game.
    7. Boom Extending: Used as the last nozzle on a conventional boom to extend reach, spray fence lines, waterways, etc.

    This video demonstrates what a boomless nozzle looks like in action on the end of a sprayer boom:



    You can check out the details of the boomless nozzle control kit referenced in the video here: KZ Boomless Nozzle/Valve Control Kit


    How Does a Boomless Nozzle Work?

    A boomless nozzle has a unique design that projects fluid over a wide area. Inside the nozzle housing, a vane or diffuser breaks up the stream of fluid so that droplets are formed across the entire width of the spray pattern.

    With a typical spray nozzle that projects fluid over a great distance, the stream stays together as it travels through the air-only dispersing into droplets in an isolated area. A boomless nozzle both projects fluid over a great distance but also provides coverage of the surface along the entire swath.

    The design is rather ingenious and the only difference between a traditional boom sprayer and a boomless sprayer is the lack of a boom. In terms of the tank, pump, and controls, you can design and operate a boomless sprayer basically the same as other sprayer types.


    Pros and Cons of a Boomless Sprayer

    While a boomless sprayer is very effective in the right application, there are specific scenarios where it is not the best option.

    Due to the high-volume, wide-angle spray pattern, a boomless sprayer nozzle produces very coarse droplets. While these coarse droplets are less prone to drift, they do not offer the same consistent coverage as a conventional boom.


    Boom Sprayers


    • Precise and uniform application
    • Suitable for large, open fields
    • Consistent spray pattern and coverage


    • Difficult to maneuver in tight or obstructed areas
    • Risk of boom damage from obstacles
    • Requires more careful navigation and operation


    Boomless Sprayers


    • Flexible and versatile coverage
    • Easy to maneuver in irregular and obstacle-rich areas
    • Reduced risk of equipment damage


    • Potential for less uniform coverage compared to boom sprayers
    • The spray pattern may need adjustment for different applications
    • May not be as effective in large, open fields where precision is critical


    Boomless Nozzle Types

    There are several different manufacturers of boomless sprayer nozzles. While they do vary in design and exact specifications, the basic premise is the same. They are available in stainless steel or poly material. Boomless nozzles range in both the volume of liquid they will deliver and the width of the spray pattern they produce. There are small nozzles that spray a 3-5 ft pattern up to larger nozzles that will cover nearly 40 ft in one direction.

    Generally, a boomless sprayer will consist of two boomless nozzles installed "back-to-back" on a sprayer about 6 inches apart depending on the exact nozzle. The standard boomlesss nozzles have a slight "kickback" so they overlap when mounted in this manner.

    Boomless nozzle pattern example.


    This is the nozzle you would use on the back of a sprayer in place of a conventional boom. With each nozzle acting as half of the sprayer swath. You can control these nozzles individually, giving you the ability to control whether you spray to the left, right, or full pattern.

    There are two varieties of this nozzle. They perform the same the only difference is in the direction of spray in relation to the inlet port. Most of these nozzles have an NPT inlet and the outlet is either opposite this inlet or perpendicular.

    Spray pattern example for perpendicular mount spray nozzles.

    There are also boomless nozzles that will cover a full swath with one spray nozzle. These full-pattern nozzles are offered by Boominator and Teejet.

    A close-up of a boomless nozzle used for agricultural spraying, designed for full pattern spray coverage.

    Full pattern boomless nozzle.

    TeeJet also offers a BoomJet boomless assembly that consists of multiple nozzles mounted on one body. Together they can cover a wide area with even coverage

    Boomjet spray pattern displayed for agricultural spraying systems.

    Finally, we have the popular roadside or right-of-way boomless nozzle. This nozzle is similar to the standard types; however, it has a significant distinction. Roadside nozzles do not have a "kickback" to their pattern. These nozzles are not intended to overlap with another nozzle. Instead, they are mounted on the side of a truck or other vehicle to spray road ditches, medians, or any area adjacent to the vehicle. With no "kickback", there is no liquid sprayed on the vehicle.

    Roadside or right-of-way boomless nozzle spray pattern example.

    The roadside nozzle pattern does not feature a kickback for overlap


    Mounting Boomless Nozzles

    No matter what type of boomless nozzles you use, it is crucial to mount them correctly. Incorrect mounting can limit your coverage and lead to poor results. Here are the basic guidelines to follow when you mount different types of boomless nozzles:


    Boomless Nozzle Height

    The vast majority of boomless nozzles are intended to be mounted and used at a height of 36 inches from the ground. Most will perform at a minimum height of 18 inches from the ground and a maximum of about 48 inches. Changing the height does result in slightly narrower or wider coverage.

    There are boomless nozzles that can be mounted lower than 18 inches off the ground. Boominator short pattern nozzles cover a narrower spray distance of about 3-10 ft. You can mount them 12 inches from the ground.


    Boomless Nozzle Spacing

    A pair of boomless nozzles on a sprayer should be mounted about four inches apart. This ensures an overlap between them. Nozzles mounted higher than 36 inches may adequately overlap at 6 inches or more, but the nozzle angle may need to be adjusted up or down.


    Boomless Nozzle Plumbing

    Boomless nozzles deliver more fluid per minute than flat fan nozzles on a spray boom, so they require an adequately sized hose to feed them. If you are using a single nozzle, it is best to use a hose or pipe with an inside diameter larger than the nozzle inlet. If you are feeding two nozzles, then the hose should be double the inlet size of the nozzle inlet. This is especially important if you have a long length of hose between the pump and the nozzles.

    You can refer to the manufacturer's website for more specific boomless nozzle plumbing and installation instructions:


    Boomless Sprayer FAQ

    Question: What is the farthest a boomless nozzle can spray?

    The widest swath you can cover with a boomless sprayer would require using two standard Boom Buster 504 nozzles. Each one can spray about 40 feet in one direction. With two of these mounted "back-to-back", you could potentially spray a width of 80 ft.


    Question: Can I add a boomless nozzle to my sprayer?

    Yes, a boomless nozzle can be added to basically any sprayer type. It is important to make sure your sprayer has a pump large enough to provide the flow needed for the nozzles you choose.


    Question: Do Boomless Sprayers Work Well?

    A boomless sprayer works extremely well in the right scenario. They produce coarse droplets that are less prone to drift and are perfect for fertilizers, orchard spraying, de-ice, pasture spraying, and much more. They excel in areas with obstacles.

    They are less suited for applying herbicides that require thorough coverage of the target surface. If you need nozzles that produce finer droplets see our selection of flat fan sprayer nozzles.


    Question: How much volume can a boomless nozzle spray?

    Boomless nozzles come in various sizes. The smaller nozzles can produce a flow of about 1-2 gallons per minute. At 2 GPM and a 30-foot spray width, this amounts to about 12-13 gallons per acre at 5 mph.

    You can pinpoint the exact gallon per acre rate at different speeds in the boomless nozzle chart for each type.


    Boomless Nozzles Options

    There are quite a few options and the distinctions between them may seem arbitrary so here are the options we carry and some of the key benefits of each type.



    • BoomJet - Solid brass unit that is very durable and provides even coverage.
    • XP Boomjet - A cost-effective poly nozzle that is lightweight and easily added to Teejet Quickjet nozzle bodies with a Teejet 1/4 cap.



    Boominator nozzles provide several different patterns that are made of durable stainless steel:


    Boom Buster

    Unlike other types of boomless nozzles, Boom Buster nozzles do not have a "left" and "right" hand version. Any two nozzles can be used in tandem to create a full pattern.



    • Boom X Tender - These can be rebuilt with a repair kit.
    • Fast Cap Boom X Tender - Same as the standard X Tender nozzles but they fit on Teejet and Hypro quick jet nozzle bodies.


    Boomless Nozzle Accessories


    We have several of these in stock and we can ship them out the same day you order. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you need any help choosing the right boomless nozzle for your sprayer.


    Author Shane Blomendahl

    Tech Ag & Industrial Sales

    Shane Blomendahl is a tech sales veteran at Dultmeier Sales with over 10+ years of experience in liquid handling products covering several industries and applications.

    Learn More About Author

    Ultimate Guide to High-Pressure Cleaning Nozzles

    In the world of cleaning, high-pressure nozzles play a crucial role in delivering the power and precision needed to tackle tough jobs. Whether pressure washing a driveway, detailing a car, or performing industrial cleaning, the right high-pressure nozzle can make all the difference.


    Close-up of spray cleaning nozzles in action.


    These nozzles are designed to enhance the effectiveness of your cleaning equipment by focusing water pressure into a powerful stream, capable of removing dirt, grime, and stains that would be impossible to eliminate with ordinary nozzles. They are typically constructed from stainless or hardened stainless steel to withstand high pressures.

    Here's a comprehensive look at what you need to know about high-pressure nozzles.

    High-Pressure Nozzles Applications

    Most nozzles are rated to working pressures up to 4,000 psi, but higher-rated nozzles (up to 10,000 psi) are also available for more intense cleaning needs. Different pressure ranges are required to tackle the various cleaning tasks. It is important to identify the proper operating pressure for your scenario and size the nozzle accordingly.

    Here are some common applications and the general pressures required:

    Pressure Washing

    From driveways and sidewalks to commercial buildings and heavy equipment, pressure washing relies on high-pressure nozzles to deliver targeted cleaning power. These nozzles help remove stubborn dirt, mildew, and other contaminants.

    Car Wash

    In the automotive industry, high-pressure nozzles are essential for achieving a spotless finish. They are used in both automatic car washes and self-serve bays to apply foam, rinse off detergents, and remove dirt without damaging the vehicle's surface.

    Industrial Cleaning

    Factories, warehouses, and other industrial settings require heavy-duty cleaning solutions. High-pressure nozzles are often used in automated cleaning. They can be fixed to a machine or apparatus that is part of an industrial process to clean, strip, or prepare surfaces. Ideal for cleaning machinery, floors, walls, and other surfaces that accumulate grease, oil, grime, and other residues.

    • Machinery Cleaning: Typically, 2,000 to 5,000 PSI to remove grease and grime.
    • Paint Stripping: Around 5,000 to 10,000 PSI to effectively remove paint from surfaces.
    • Surface Preparation: Up to 10,000 PSI (or even more in some cases!) for tasks like removing coatings, rust, or other surface contaminants before applying new coatings or treatments.

    Selecting the Proper High-Pressure Nozzle

    The benefits of using the right high-pressure nozzle for specific tasks cannot be overstated. Selecting the appropriate nozzle ensures:

    • Efficiency: The correct nozzle maximizes cleaning power and reduces the time needed to complete a task.
    • Safety: Using the right nozzle minimizes the risk of damage to surfaces.
    • Cost-Effectiveness: Proper nozzle selection can extend the life of your cleaning equipment and reduce the need for additional cleaning agents.

    To identify the right nozzle for your needs there are several things to consider in addition to the pressure rating of the nozzle. These include the spray angle, pattern, material, flow rate, and other nozzle features such as stabilizing vanes and rotating turbines.

    Understanding Spray Angles and Patterns of High-Pressure Nozzles

    The spray angle of a nozzle determines the coverage pattern and effectiveness at various distances from the surface. Common spray angles include:

    • Zero Degree: Provides a concentrated, powerful spray for tough cleaning tasks. All fluid is directed in a narrow stream that impacts the surface in a very small area. Excellent for cutting through surfaces.
    • 15 Degree: Offers a narrow, but slightly wider spray pattern; common for pressure washing and industrial cleaning.
    • 25 Degree: Delivers a wider spray pattern, ideal for car wash and truck wash operations.
    • 40 Degree: Provides the widest common spray pattern, excellent for general cleaning tasks.

    A nozzle with a narrower spray angle will deliver more impact than a wider fan. So it is important to identify a good balance between the impact you need and the fan angle desired. Often the best way to determine this is by testing some different angles in your application, but knowing this can provide a good starting point.

    Sizing a High-Pressure Nozzle

    In addition to the spray angle, you need to determine the nozzle size for your application. The orifice size of a nozzle affects the flow rate (measured in gallons per minute, GPM) through the nozzle.

    Nozzles are sized based on their flow capacity at 4000 PSI. In other words, how many gallons will flow through the tip/orifice of the nozzle at 4000 PSI? For example, a #4 nozzle will flow 4 GPM at 4,000 PSI. A #3 nozzle will flow 3 GPM at 4000 PSI.

    This chart shows the flow capacity of each orifice size at various pressures:


    Nozzle Volume at Various Pressures

    Identifying your nozzle size requires that you know the parameters of your system and size a nozzle accordingly. Let's look at an example: a pressure washer that delivers 3 GPM at 2000 PSI. Using the chart, you can find 2000 PSI at the top and follow the column down until we get to 3 GPM. Then we can follow the row left to the nozzle size column on the far left of the chart. This shows us that a 4.5 nozzle or orifice size will flow 3 GPM at 2000 PSI.

    This nozzle will work for the system in our example, but it is a good rule of thumb to select a nozzle size slightly smaller than what you find in this chart. In this case a #4. This will provide some bypass and allow for nozzle wear over time without a decrease in pressure.

    If you are unsure of any aspect of nozzle sizing, you can always get in touch with our high-pressure cleaning team!

    Nozzle Features

    While spray pattern and nozzle size are the two main factors you must consider, there are other nozzle features and attributes to keep in mind.

    • Internal Stabilizer Vanes: Some nozzles come with internal stabilizer vanes which create a more defined spray pattern. These are particularly useful in industrial or process cleaning where precision is a necessity.
    • Rotating Nozzles: High-pressure rotating nozzles or Turbo Nozzles have an internal turbine that creates a rotating stream that vastly improves efficiency when compared to flat fan nozzles.
    • Pipe Thread Sizes: High-pressure nozzles are usually available in 1/8" or 1/4" male or female pipe thread sizes, making them compatible with existing wands, arches, or other cleaning equipment.

    By choosing the right nozzle, you can maximize cleaning efficiency and ensure that your equipment operates at peak performance.


    High-pressure nozzles are a key component in effective cleaning systems. Understanding their types, features, spray angles, and orifice sizes can greatly enhance your cleaning results. Always ensure you're using the right nozzle for your specific application to achieve the best performance and longevity from your equipment.


    Selecting the Best Fertilizer Pump For Your Application

    We all know the key role fertilizer plays in crop production. Handling large volumes of these vital plant nutrients requires the right transfer equipment. At the heart of every fertilizer transportation system is the pump. Whether it is unloading rail cars or filling the tanks on your planter, the type of pump you use has an impact on your ability to run your operation smoothly.

    In this guide, we'll dive into the various types of fertilizer pumps. We will also look at the specific characteristics and attributes that hold up to the rigorous nature of transferring fertilizer.


    Understanding Fertilizer Transfer Pumps

    The primary pump type used for high-volume transfer of fertilizers is a centrifugal pump. Known for their simplicity and effectiveness, They are ideal for any scenario where the goal is to transfer fluid as quickly as possible. In other words, high-volume transfer scenarios such as loading or unloading semi-tankers, emptying rail cars, loading sprayers, applying liquid on fields, etc.


    High volume liquid fertilizer transfer pumps for large scale operations.


    Now, centrifugal pumps are not the only pump types used to handle fertilizer. There are many different positive displacement pumps used to apply fertilizers on planters or toolbars, and there are gear pumps used for some more viscous products, but centrifugal pumps are the primary choice for high-volume transfer.


    Advantages of Centrifugal Pumps for Fertilizer:

    • Simple
    • High-flow
    • Easy to repair
    • Durable


    Disadvantages of Centrifugal Pumps for Fertilizer:

    • Low pressure relative to other pump types
    • May not handle really heavy or viscous products
    • Cannot be run dry unless they have a lubricated seal


    How Fertilizer Transfer Pumps Work

    Before we get to the dirty details of fertilizer pump selection, it is worth your time to get familiar with the basics of centrifugal pumps. Especially, if you aren't familiar with them or need a quick refresher. If you want to jump straight to the pump selection, click here to jump ahead.

    In order to gain a thorough understanding of how a centrifugal pump works, we should first look at the main components. These are the housing, the impeller, the shaft, and the shaft seal. Depending on the specific type of pump and the design there may be other components like a pedestal, volute, bearings, etc., but these are the main pieces that make up all centrifugal pumps.


    Basic Components of a Centrifugal Fertilizer Pump:


    Basic parts of a centrifugal pump


    • Housing
    • Volute
    • Impeller
    • Shaft
    • Seal
    • Gasket
    • Pedestal/Adapter

    A centrifugal pump operates by using centrifugal force to move liquid. The impeller, mounted on the shaft, is driven by a motor or engine. As the shaft rotates, the impeller also rotates. The rotation of the impeller creates centrifugal force, which pushes the liquid inside the pump away from the center (the eye of the impeller) towards the outer edges


    Pump Curves

    Variations in pump construction result in different capabilities, such as flow rate, head, horsepower, and efficiency points. These differences arise from the various pump sizes, the shapes of the pump volute, as well as the sizes and designs of impellers. These factors alter the pump curve, which represents the pump's performance based on discharge plumbing parameters.

    All these different variations mean that it is important to look at a pump curve when choosing a pump and not just physical attributes such as the port size or horsepower. Those alone don't tell the whole story.

    A pump curve is a graphical representation that shows the relationship between the flow rate and the head (pressure) of a pump. It illustrates how a pump performs under different conditions, helping users determine the best operating point for efficiency and effectiveness. By understanding the pump curve, you can select the right pump and the horsepower needed for your specific application, ensuring optimal performance and energy savings.


    How to read pump curves

    For more detailed information on centrifugal pump operation and pump curves, be sure to read this detailed guide on centrifugal pumps written by Tom Hansen, Head Engineer at Dultmeier Sales.


    Selecting a Fertilizer Pump

    Now that we have a solid understanding of how a centrifugal pump operates, Let's look at the different aspects you should consider when choosing the right one for your needs.


    Straight Versus Self-Priming

    While there are many variations and different designs, all centrifugal pumps fit into two main categories: straight and self-priming. Both of these types operate on the same basic principle, using centrifugal force to move liquid. They differ in their ability to maintain liquid inside the pump. This is an important factor to consider when you select a pump so let's examine this a bit further.


    MP311GHE Self-Priming Pump Unit

    Self-priming pump


    A self-priming centrifugal pump can pull liquid from a level that is below the pump inlet (assuming it is properly primed initially). This is achieved via a combination of the design of the volute and suction created by the pump. A self-priming pump is designed to store fluid in the housing even after it stops running. Thus keeping the pump seal protected when it is started again and it begins to prime.


    Priming is important because a standard centrifugal pump requires liquid in it at all times to lubricate the shaft seal. I say standard because there are centrifugal pumps that can be run dry but more on that later.


    This video thoroughly explains the principles of pump priming:


    Self-priming pumps are often used as transfer pumps to load and unload sprayers or nurse tanks. They provide more flexibility in this scenario because they do not have to be installed lower than the tank outlet. This means they can be installed almost anywhere on a truck or trailer and pull liquid from the tank.


    Ace FMC150HYD206 Pump

    Straight centrifugal pump


    A straight centrifugal pump will also create suction the same way that a self-priming pump does, however, due to the design of the pump volute, they do not store liquid. The inlet of the pump must be gravity-fed so that the pump is not operated without liquid. If the pump inlet is not gravity-fed (flooded suction), You can use a check valve or foot valve in the suction line to trap fluid in the pump. This will protect the seal from cavitation when it starts again.

    These pumps are generally more efficient than self-priming pumps. They are simpler machines, with impellers and casings designed for hydraulic efficiency. Self-priming pumps, on the other hand, have additional features like a priming chamber that can create turbulence and energy loss, making them less efficient.

    A straight centrifugal pump uses most of its energy for pumping, whereas self-priming pumps must expend some energy on the priming process, reducing their overall efficiency.

    Straight centrifugal pumps are very common in scenarios where the pump is going to be permanently installed with a flooded suction port:

    • Bulk transfer from large storage tanks
    • rail unloading, etc.
    • onboard sprayers
    • planters
    • fertilizer toolbars

    Choosing between a straight centrifugal pump and a self-priming centrifugal pump depends largely on your specific application needs. Self-priming pumps are versatile and work for many applications, but if you want efficiency and the pump will have flooded suction, then a straight centrifugal pump is generally the best way to go.


    Types of Fertilizer Pump Drives

    Another aspect to consider when selecting a centrifugal fertilizer pump is the means you will use to drive it. A pump can be driven any way you want as long as you have enough horsepower to handle the application.

    Common centrifugal pump drive types used for fertilizer transfer:

    • Electric Motor
    • Hydraulic Motor
    • PTO Driven
    • Gas-Engine


    Electric Motor Units

    Electric motor-driven units are the most common drive type in fertilizer facilities. There are two different pump and motor unit styles: close-coupled and long-coupled. As the name suggests, a close-coupled is where the pump is directly bolted to the electric motor. Long-coupled pump units are connected with a set of couplers.


    Close Coupled Pump & Motor Units

    LFE215 Scot Pump



    A close-coupled pump unit is a much simpler design that has many benefits. Both self-priming and straight centrifugal pumps can be coupled with a C-face motor. Pump manufacturers build pumps with motor adapters to mate with several different electric motor frame sizes.


    • Compact design
    • less expensive
    • easy to connect
    • No alignment issues


    • Leaking around the pump seal can damage the motor


    Long Coupled Units


    Example of a Long Coupled Centrifugal Pump Unit



    Although they are more complex and expensive, long-coupled units have many benefits. They typically consist of a baseplate, a 3-piece flexible coupling, and the pump and motor. Pumps used for long coupled units are called pedestal pumps. This indicates that they have a bearing pedestal with a solid shaft.


    • Design protects motor bearings from leaks
    • Flexibility for more pump and motor combinations


    • Requires precise alignment
    • Can be more expensive due to the baseplates and couplers required


    Consider Chemical Compatibility

    Compatibility is a crucial factor to consider. As you know, fertilizer is a broad term encompassing several different liquids used to improve plant growth. Most of these products possess properties that lead to rust, corrosion, and friction wear on pump components.

    Centrifugal pumps can be constructed using various types of materials. Due to the wide variety of chemical properties of the different fertilizers, there isn't one material that works best for all of them. It is important to look at individual products to determine the best material to use.


    Common Fertilizer Pump Materials

    Although no material will handle all types of fertilizers, there are some that work with common fertilizers such as 10-34-0 or 32% nitrogen. For these products, we recommend polypropylene or cast iron pumps with Viton mechanical seals. Stainless steel is another material that will work with a broad range of fertilizers, but due to the cost, it is only used when necessary.


    If you are not sure what materials are best suited for the type of fertilizer you use, you can refer to our chemical compatibility charts or call us for help. Our years of combined experience give us a good idea of what materials should be used with different products.


    Regardless of pump type, it is recommended to drain corrosive liquid from the pump and fill it with a non-corrosive liquid such as crop oil or RV antifreeze. This will significantly prolong the life of cast iron pumps.


    Choosing A Seal Type

    No matter what type of centrifugal pump you are using, the shaft seal is the most important component to understand. The seal provides a barrier keeping liquid in the pump as the shaft rotates.

    There are different types of seals used in centrifugal pumps, but the most common we see used with fertilizer is a mechanical seal. This type consists of two seal faces, an elastomer, and a spring:

    • Rotating Seal Face: Attached to the pump shaft and rotates with it.
    • Stationary Seal Face: Fixed to the pump housing and remains stationary.
    • Elastomer: keeps the rotating pieces tight on the shaft.
    • Spring: Pushes the two faces together to maintain a tight seal

    Each seal face is smooth and consists of durable materials such as silicon carbide, carbon, or ceramic. The seal elastomers can be Buna, EPDM, Viton, or other material that is compatible with the fluid you are pumping. While the pump is operating a small amount of the fluid being pumped forms a barrier between these two seal faces. This lubricates the seal and provides a barrier that keeps the pump from leaking around the shaft.


    Close-up of a Viton mechanical seal assembly.

    Viton® mechanical seal assembly


    Without liquid in the pump housing, a standard mechanical seal can fail because it is not lubricated. This is called "running a pump dry". The two faces rub together creating friction that will harm the seal face or crack it all together. Even slight damage to the seal face can result in a leak.

    Using a pump with a lubricated seal or double seal assembly can prolong seal life. These mechanisms keep the shaft seal of the pump lubricated with antifreeze or grease. This adds protection in situations where the pump might run dry, like unloading trucks or storage tanks. Any situation where a tank is emptied or prime could be lost.


    Fertilizer Pump Unit displaying a pressurized wet seal assembly.

    Pressurized wet seal assembly on fertilizer pump & motor unit.


    If your pump will be installed in a scenario where it could be running dry or you don't want to risk seal failure in the middle of your busiest season, a double seal or lubricated seal is your best option.


    Pump Size

    When we say pump size, we are talking about flow rate. The amount of liquid you need your pump to move in a given amount of time is important, but determining what pump will deliver your needed flow rate can be tricky.

    The flow rate in centrifugal pumps is closely tied to the discharge head. An increase in discharge head leads to a decrease in flow rate, and vice versa. Understanding this relationship is essential for selecting and operating these pumps, as it directly affects their performance in various scenarios.

    Of course, no two scenarios are the same so let's explore how you can go about sizing a fertilizer pump for a specific application.


    Sizing A Fertilizer Transfer Pump

    First, you need to consider the specific fertilizer you are going to be moving as well as the plumbing layout. This process involves gathering some information, here are the basic steps:

    1. Determine Desired Flow Rate: Calculate the required flow rate in gallons per minute (GPM). Consider the application, are you filling tanks? Unloading trailers? How quickly do you want the load/unload process to be completed?
    2. Identify Your Fertilizer Properties: Determine the viscosity and density of the fertilizer.
    3. Calculate Total Head (TDH): Determining the total discharge head of a pump involves calculating the total head or pressure that the pump needs to overcome to move the fluid through the entire system. If you have plumbing in place already, consider any restrictions such as elbows, valves, strainers, meters, vertical pipes, etc. For more details, you can read this guide that further explains total dynamic head.
    4. Identify Pump: Once you know your flow rate and TDH, you can identify a pump that can achieve your desired GPM given your plumbing setup. This requires examining the pump curves of different models to find a suitable option. The pump curve will offer insights into the most efficient option and the required horsepower for your application.


    The total dynamic head, the pump design, and the flow rate, combined with the viscosity and weight of the fertilizer will determine how much horsepower is required. Determining pump flow rates and horsepower requirements is a complex matter. If you have questions or just want us to walk through this process, you can give us a call any day and we can help you determine the pump and motor size you need.


    Final Takeaways

    Choosing the right fertilizer pump is crucial for efficient and smooth operations. By understanding the advantages and disadvantages of different pumps and the specific needs of your application, you can make an informed decision.

    Remember to consider factors such as pump type, drive methods, material compatibility, seal types, and proper sizing to ensure optimal performance and longevity of your equipment. Investing time in selecting the appropriate pump will ultimately lead to better handling of fertilizers, increased productivity, and cost savings in the long run.

    There are many, many different options for fertilizer pumps, so do not hesitate to reach out to us if you need some guidance selecting a pump!


    Shane Blomendahl, Author

    Tech Ag & Industrial Sales

    Shane Blomendahl is a tech sales veteran at Dultmeier Sales with over 10+ years of experience in liquid handling products covering several industries and applications.

    Learn More About Author

    What Kind of Pump Do I Need for DEF? 

    Selective catalytic reduction is an advanced process that is intended to minimize pollution from diesel engines and contribute to better air quality. Diesel exhaust fluid, or DEF, is central to this process.

    If you use modern farm or construction equipment you are well aware of the regulations that require the use of DEF. Although DEF is a simple liquid, consisting of urea and water, it does have unique properties. So for those who need to fuel equipment, the question arises what kind of pump do I need for DEF?

    In this guide, Will will be looking at the properties of DEF to understand what types of materials are compatible with it. We will also take a look at the different DEF pump options and accessories.


    Understanding What Pump Types Are Suitable for DEF

    The most important thing to consider when selecting a pump for DEF is material compatibility. There are other factors to consider such as flow rate and drive type, but this is most important. Let's look at the materials that work for pumping DEF and the types of pumps that will work.


    Material Compatibility

    Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) is a solution made up of 32.5% urea and 67.5% deionized water. DEF is non-toxic, non-flammable, and non-hazardous under normal conditions. However, DEF is not compatible with most metals and some plastics. This limits the pumps that are suitable to be used with it.

    How important is this really? What is the worst that can happen if you use just any old pump? Simply put, it may work for a very short period but it won't be long before you have issues. DEF decomposes into ammonia, which corrodes incompatible metals like copper, zinc, and aluminum. It causes pitting, erosion, oxidation, and galvanic corrosion, weakening metal and leading to rapid component damage.

    So what materials do work with DEF? Stainless steel (grades 304 and 316), polyethylene, and polypropylene are resistant to the effects of DEF. Therefore manufacturers use these materials to construct pumps suitable for DEF. The seals and gaskets used for DEF pumps are EPDM or Viton.


    Material suitable for handling DEF:

    • Polypropylene
    • Viton
    • EPDM
    • Stainless Steel


    Blog Heading


    Pump Types for DEF

    Although the materials suited for DEF are limited, there are several different types of pump that will work fine for DEF fluid. Centrifugal pumps, diaphragm pumps, gear pumps, and even submersible pumps. Again, the type is not as important as the materials and elastomers used to construct the pump.

    Centrifugal pumps are most common for large volumes, and diaphragm pumps are used for dispensing into vehicles and equipment. Diaphragm pumps for DEF will generally come as a kit that includes the hoses, nozzles, and couplings needed for DEF barrels or other pre-packaged containers (more about this in a moment). 

    • Centrifugal Pumps
    • Diaphragm Pumps
    • Submersible Pump


    Pump Drive Types for DEF

    A variety of drive options can be used for DEF Pumps. Electric motors, gas engines, hydraulic motors, air-driven pumps, and more. No matter what kind of power supply, you can find a pump that will work for you.

    • Electric
    • Gas-engine Driven
    • Air Operated


    DEF Pump Couplings

    Many DEF tanks and containers utilize Micromatic RSV valves and couplings. These couplings are designed to prevent contamination of DEF. They have a dry-break mechanism that minimizes the exposure of DEF to the environment during connection and disconnection, maintaining the purity of the fluid

    DEF tank setup for diesel exhaust fluid storage and handling.


    These couplings also help to eliminate drips or spills. Even a small amount of DEF fluid can corrode metals, so the dry-break feature is vital to protect any equipment around your DEF pump and tank.

    Valve for DEF RSV Series

    RSV Coupler

    Dispense Coupler

    RSV Drum/Tank Valve


    RSV couplings are the same type of couplings used on beer kegs and other chemical containers. There is a valve in the tank or drum, and there is the coupler on your pump or suction hose.

    There are two different types of Micromatic couplers: 3-key and 4-key. The reason for this difference is to prevent cross-contamination of equipment. For example, it prevents you from coupling a DEF pump to a tank containing some other chemical.


    How to Connect the Micro Matic RSV Dispense Coupler


    DEF Pump Options

    Due to the specific applications and the limited materials that are compatible with it, manufacturers have designed pumps and pump units specifically for DEF. There are 12-volt options available for mobile applications as well as stainless steel centrifugal pumps for bulk transfer.


    12-Volt DEF Pumps


    115-Volt DEF Pumps


    Air Operated DEF Pumps


    DEF Pump Kits

    Understanding that DEF is only compatible with certain materials, you must be careful when selecting a pump, but then you have to piece together a hose, nozzle, meter, and tank that is compatible. This is time-consuming and nerve-racking if you are not certain that an item will work with DEF.

    DEF pump manufacturers understand this and offer comprehensive solutions. There are several DEF pump kits that include a pump, hose, RSV coupler, and all the other appropriate fittings needed. These kits are often designed to hang off an IBC tote or 275-gallon shuttle. Some of these kits will even include a tank.


    DEF Pump Kits for Cage Tanks/IBC Totes

    12-Volt Kits:


    110-Volt Kits:


    DEF Pump Kits with Tank

    DEF Tank

    58 Gallon Tank Kit: PUPPT58

    116 Gallon Tank Kit: PUPPT116

    135 Gallon Tank Kit: DP2512-AE-135


    DEF Pumping Accessories

    Your pump's compatibility with DEF is vital, as are the accessories you use to handle it. Here are some essential accessories to consider and the types that work with DEF:


    DEF Tanks

    Polyethylene and stainless steel are the best materials for DEF storage. Poly is much more affordable. You can use just about any poly tank but you will want to ensure that the tank is properly sealed up and equipped with dry-break couplers to preserve the purity of your DEF.

    As mentioned earlier RSV couplers are the common method to ensure closed system transfer. These can be added to a tank if you do not have them. The RSV tank valves are made to fit into different thread types. If you use a 275-gallon IBC tote/Cage tank, you can replace the lid with one that will fit an RSV coupler.


    DEF Tank Options:


    DEF Hose

    EPDM rubber is the preferred hose to use for DEF. Hose fittings should be either polypropylene or stainless steel. There are also poly and stainless hose reels designed to handle DEF.


    Other DEF Accessories:


    Let Us Know if You Need Help

    DEF is a uniquid fluid with properties that dictate that you use the right type of pump and accessories to handle it safely. Fortunately, the pumps that work with DEF are clearly designed to do so. If you have questions about whether or not a specific product will work for DEF let us know.


    Shane Blomendahl, Author

    Tech Ag & Industrial Sales

    Shane Blomendahl is a tech sales veteran at Dultmeier Sales with over 10+ years of experience in liquid handling products covering several industries and applications.

    Learn More About Author

    Fertigation & Chemigation Injection Systems for Irrigation

    Injecting a liquid into a center pivot is an effective way to deliver nutrients to crops later in the growing season. Getting a fertigation or chemigation system setup is pretty straightforward, but there are some key aspects that you must get right to avoid any issues.

    So if you are not familiar with the type of pump you need, not to mention the other components that make it all work, this article will give you the information you need. Let's get to it.


    Components Needed for Injecting Fertilizer or Chemical into a Center Pivot Irrigation System

    The main components needed to inject fertilizer are the pump, check valves, hose, strainer, and tank. Several types will work as long as they meet the necessary size, flow, and compatibility requirements.

    • Positive Displacement Pump
    • Check Valve
    • Tank
    • Hose/Plumbing
    • Strainer


    It is important to note that in addition to the fertilizer components we discuss in this guide, you also need a chemigation backflow preventer or check valve on the well. The fertilizer is injected downstream from this valve. The specifics are dictated by local regulations. This chemigation check valve prevents chemicals or fertilizer from getting into the well and contaminating groundwater.

    Diagram illustrating the process of pivot injection, showing how chemicals are injected into a pivot irrigation system for even distribution.

    These chemigation check valves are not sold by Dultmeier sales. For more information, you can check out this article from North Dakota State University. You can also check with your pivot dealer.


    Injection Pump for Fertigation or Chemigation

    If you want to apply fertilizer or chemicals through a center pivot you need a pump. That may be obvious, but you cannot use just any type of pump. While centrifugal pumps are commonly used to transfer fertilizer they will not be effective when it comes to injecting fertilizer into a pivot or any other irrigation pipe.

    You need a positive displacement pump to inject liquids into the center pivot or irrigation pipe. This is a type of pump that uses mechanical means to physically move it fixed amount of fluid with each stroke or rotation. These pumps create higher pressure and central pumps and they can overcome the existing pressure in the irrigation line.

    There are different types of positive displacement pumps. Piston pumps are commonly used when injecting into an irrigation line but a diaphragm pump can also be used. These injection pumps are rated in gallons per hour. In addition to moving the liquid, the pump also serves as the metering device.

    These pumps can deliver a precise amount of liquid into the irrigation pipe, consistently with each stroke. The rate can be adjusted according to the amount of liquid you need to apply.


    Irrigation Injection Pump Options

    10620 Metering Pump

    EZ Meter Piston Pumps

    • Available in 5-30 GPH or 10-100 GPH
    • Up to 150 PSI
    • Wettable parts made of stainless steel and polypropylene, Teflon available
    • Motors available in 12-volt, single-phase 110-220 volt, and three-phase 220-440 volt
    • Easily repairable

    View all the options EZ Meter pump options here.


    Check Valve

    We already talked about the chemigation check valve in the irrigation line to prevent backflow into the well. There is another check valve that is needed for the fertigation system. This is installed in the injection port. They ensure fertilizer is released in the center of the pipe, providing even dispersion. 

    Diagram illustrating the process of pivot injection, showing how chemicals are injected into a pivot irrigation system for even distribution.

    These ensure only fertilizer gets in and nothing leaks when the pump is not running. They also provide back pressure to ensure the pump meters are accurate.


    Storage Tank

    The tank is pretty straightforward whether you are using a stationary tank or you have a nurse trailer, you must have a vessel to hold your fertilizer. Flat-bottom vertical storage tanks are very common and they are rated to handle heavy fertilizers.

    Poly Vertical Tanks Tanks for Fertigation:



    The hose that you use might seem like an afterthought, but the wrong hose could give you a lot of trouble. Just like with the pump, the hose needs to be constructed of material compatible with the fertilizer you are using. For nitrogen fertilizers, EPDM rubber hose works great. 

    You will need a reinforced suction hose on the inlet side of your pump. This means that from the supply tank to the pump. This hose should also have an inside diameter that is at least the size of the pump inlet. Using a smaller diameter hose can restrict the flow to the pump, damaging the pump and keeping you from hitting your application rate.

    The discharge hose does not need to be rated for suction. It should be rated to handle some pressure, the EZ Meter pumps from John Blue can produce 150 PSI. The nature of how these pumps operate does create pulsing. This means that your discharge hose will jump around a bit.  So be sure it won't rub on anything that could wear a hole in it during operation.

    Pivot injection diagram showing a phase of the agricultural irrigation process.

    This is a typical plumbing diagram for injecting metering pumps.


    Rinsing the pump is important. You can make it easier to do this by installing a 3-way valve somewhere in the suction line. This would allow you to switch from the fertilizer tank to a freshwater source. You can also use a three-way valve in the outlet of the tank so you can both withdraw and fill the tank without disconnecting the pump.

    Fertilizer tank outlet plumbing



    It is also vital to use a strainer in the suction line. This strainer should also be at least the size of the inlet port on the pump. A piston pump does not handle solid particles well, so the screen should have a fine mesh. The manufacturer of our piston pumps, John Blue, recommends an 80 mesh screen size to protect the pump.

    80 Mesh Line Strainer


    Final Thought

    With the right equipment and setup, you can deliver the nutrients your crops need through your irrigation system. Remember that the correct pump is vital to achieving the accurate results you want. Plumbing things correctly will help prolong the life of the pump and save you time.


    Shane Blomendahl, Author

    Tech Ag & Industrial Sales

    Shane Blomendahl is a tech sales veteran at Dultmeier Sales with over 10+ years of experience in liquid handling products covering several industries and applications.

    Learn More About Author