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    (0) Sprayer Productivity – How to Increase & Achieve a Greater ROI

    What do we look for in a sprayer? 

    Is it to merely kill weeds?  How well does a certain sprayer kill weeds?  The size - is bigger necessarily better?  Or, do we also need to assess the value of that sprayer against how long it spends in each field?  All these questions should be carefully considered when making a large investment into a piece of equipment that drastically affects the yield of your crop(s).

    After all, a sprayer is one of your most important asset management tools when maintaining and ensuring your crop health - thus effectively ensuring that you get the most out of your yields - regardless of the crop you're raising.  Therefore, I think the answer to the questions above is that we must absolutely consider each question when determining a true Return on Investment (ROI) for a sprayer - regardless of the operation size or scope. 

    In this write-up we will assess the four questions above.  To start, let's dissect each question at a high, strategic level.  

    How Well Does a Certain Sprayer Kill Weeds?

    This is a somewhat loaded question as chemical types, brands, and mix rates are involved.  But if your accessory products/equipment, which are used to move the solutions onto the plants are lacking, then your sprayer effectiveness will undoubtedly be lacking, as well.  Therefore, we must consider year-end maintenance programs.  Boom-end flow rates, line obstructions in accessory products such as strainers and valves.  Leaking pump seals, poor shaft alignment, and worn spray tips all factor into the efficiency and productivity of your sprayer.  Neglect these important features of your sprayer and your operation, and your crop yields will undoubtedly suffer.  So, to answer the question outlined in the opening paragraph - your accessory products, that are used to help move solutions, - are just as important to your operation as the sprayer itself.

    Year-End Maintenance

    It is necessary that a season-end maintenance program is followed to ensure your operation sees success in the ensuing season.  Follow our recommended winterization process.  Hoses, pumps, motors/engines, valves, strainers, and spray tips should all be inspected to help create a post-season inventory/repair list, in preparation of the upcoming season. 

    Spray Tip Selection

    Have the proper spray tips been selected for the job(s)?  Consult your local agronomist for specific details on the product(s) you will be spraying for the upcoming season.  When spraying Dicamba products, only specific spray tips are approved for each product - and at specific pressure ranges.  You can read another post related to Dicamba. Undoubtedly, always check the label of the product you are spraying to ensure you are spraying "on label".  You can have all bases covered in preparation for an upcoming season.  However, if you choose incorrectly on spray tips - or size your spray tip orifices incorrectly based upon the rates you intend to apply - the consequences could be catastrophic to your operation - or your neighbors' operations.  Here is a tip sizing tool from TeeJet.

    Sprayer Size

    Does bigger necessarily mean better?  It depends. If you're out in western Nebraska and have straight runs for a mile plus, then you may want to consider 120-foot booms with auto steer functionality.  However, if you're in Western Iowa and you have many fields that are 75 acres or less, you probably want to opt into a smaller, more agile spray package.  Regardless of your choice, one question should drive your purchasing decision - what is the potential ROI?

    Speed and Efficiency

    How long does it take to spray each field and how many acres do you anticipate covering daily?  This should be one of the largest focal points when assessing your operation.  Don't focus on non-productive time in an operational day (i.e. travel from field to field, rinse-out, rain/wind delays).  These are variables that we have little to no control over.  

    However, a large area in which we do have control over is nursing, or fill, times.  If you can cut your fill times, regarding both fuel and chemical, how much more productive can you make your operation?  Let's look at some products that can help you achieve this task.  First, let's look at a study done by Praxidyn's Doug Applegate, regarding average sprayer price in comparison with cost per acre/hour.  The numbers displayed reflect average prices/costs from various suppliers/operators in a regional area in Western Iowa.

    Increase Sprayer Productivity Chart


    • Slower loading times increase the cost per acre/hour of productivity.  Increased cost ranges from 26 to 42 percent.
    • Spending 10% more for larger capacity/coverage in a sprayer will increase productivity roughly 8%.
    • Spending 7% more for an automated mixing system can increase productivity by 20% to 30%.
    • Smaller sprayers are actually more cost effective for their capacity. 

    The main takeaway here is that, in general, an operation can lower operating costs by, roughly, 20%.   Let me repeat….20%.  And by simply shaving off 10 minutes from fill times.  It's important to note, as the sprayer size increases, the cost savings are reduced.  For instance, a sprayer with a 600-gallon tank and 90-foot boom can effectively realize over 29% savings by reducing fill times down to 5 minutes.  Consequently, when looking at a sprayer with a 1200-gallon tank and 120-foot boom, we see about 20% cost savings. 

    Praxidyn MixMate

    The Praxidyn system allows users to automate loads.  You can prepare loads the night before from your living room while watching TV or from an office chair.  Send the loads to the operator in the field.  No math needs to be done by the operator.  The biggest change the operator would make to the load is regarding weed height.  Upon arrival to the field, if the operator notices weed height on the order calls for six inches, and the weed height is actually 10 inches - the operator can make that adjustment to the order and the software will recalculate input quantities on the fly - no math is needed.  

    Another value-added feature to the MixMate system is the ability to track and record data. Through the cloud-based software, a user can record exactly how much product was applied to each field - and the exact time of the load or batch. This will continue to be ever-more important as regulations continue to tighten. 

    Praxidyn Mixing Automation

    Praxidyn MixMate Fusion

    MixMate Fusion - New for 2019


    We hope that you enjoyed this write-up on increasing sprayer efficiencies. Should you have any questions or feedback don't hesitate to get in touch with us at!

    (0) Inventory Levels Matter at Dultmeier Sales - Proof In the Pudding

    JIT vs. Quarterly Inventory Strategies

    Inventory management and the best strategy to successfully achieve maximum efficiency. It's the long-standing question of any distribution or supply channel.  What is the best methodology to follow when managing inventory?  Just-in-Time (JIT) relies heavily on the concept of inventory turns.  The more inventory turns, the less carrying cost a supplier must maintain.  Lower carrying costs result in a lower market resale price.  

    JIT is one method by which suppliers can help control their costs.  Why order a year's worth of inventory when you can rely on the supply chain to help "offload" some of those costs on your partners?  Furthermore, a JIT strategy allows the business to ebb and flow with demand fluctuations within their respective market(s). 

    In certain instances, a JIT strategy does hold merit.  However, at Dultmeier Sales we have a contrarian approach to this type of strategy.  While we have certain products lines where a JIT strategy does work, there are other lines where we cannot afford to not have the products on the shelf - and ready to ship promptly.

    Our business is an extremely cyclical one.  Roughly 50% of our revenue comes in about a three-month period.  Due to the nature of our business, we must have inventory on-hand.  Therefore, we load up heavy in the fall and winter in preparation for the spring season.  In doing so, we allow our customers to use a JIT approach to run their businesses.  This helps our customers lower their carrying costs & provide them with fast deliveries.  Furthermore, when critical equipment failure occurs - we have the products on the shelf to get them back to operational status - as soon as possible.  

    What We Do For You

    We pride ourselves on being a business partner of this nature.  Inventory levels are something we constantly focus upon and look for ways in which we can continually provide better service levels with higher order fill rates and faster, more accurate shipping.  

    What We Can Do For You

    Because let's face it, when you're down and out - you need the part or piece of equipment fast.  By maintaining considerably larger inventory levels than the competition, we can effectively promise a 95%+ fill rate on stock orders.

    That means if you order 20 items - we have 19 in stock ready to ship promptly.  And most of the time it's consolidated from one origination point - meaning we help lower and control freight costs for our customers - by reducing multiple shipment orders.  Consequently, one shipment means one freight bill. 

    Who We Are

    In addition to healthy inventory levels, we pride ourselves on warehouse accuracy.  In all honesty, if we have the item on the shelf, but cannot get it to the customer for whatever reason - we didn't live up to our promise of impeccable service.  Therefore, it has been and will continue to be our long-standing goal to exceed and maintain 99.8% shipping accuracy.  This means we accurately ship the item(s), and quantities, written on the sales order over 99/100 times.  

    You need it - We have it. That was fast.  Pretty simple concept.  But, to produce extreme simplicity, one must solve the extremely complex.  Therefore, we continue to invest in ourselves and our operating systems.  We continually invest in our people and technology to ensure that we constantly improve and strive for the ever elusive 100% success rate for our customers.

    Additional Value Added Services

    We back our inventory strategy up with some of the best technical expertise in the industries we serve.  With over 250 years of combined technical experience, we have most likely run across your application question.  Furthermore, if we don't know, we will help to provide a solution that improves the efficiency of your operation - all the while, doing our best to help lower your operating costs. We invest in our people, technology, and inventory to make your business more profitable and efficient.

    We also want to highlight the fact that we have a Free Freight Program that runs throughout the year. This can further help reduce costs for our customers to help them maintain a higher level of profitability. You can check out our Free Freight Program right here


    (0) Banjo Liquid Handling Products

    The Inception of Banjo

    The story of Banjo starts in a small garage in Crawfordsville, Indiana. We need to go back to 1959 to see where the spark ignited for Banjo. Jack Canine set out to solve problems by offering high quality products - and nothing short of that attribute. Soon after he set out to accomplish this feat, he was able to move out of the garage and established Terra-Knife. Which was a small fertilizer knife supplier that focused on delivering quality products to farmers throughout the United States.

    As the agricultural industry grew, so did the small supply company known as Terra-Knife. Jack Canine and his team recognized the need to expand their product offerings. The company quickly began offering ball valves and cam lever couplings. Shortly after this product line expansion the company was renamed to Terra-Products, in an effort to better represent its added product offerings.

    The name Banjo Corporation came as a result of Jack Canine's personal hobby and love for the stringed instrument. An additional factor was that the shape of one of the company's newly heralded key products, the ball valve, somewhat resembled a banjo. Thus, Terra-Products transformed into present day Banjo Corporation and rapidly expanded their production capacities of polypropylene products.

    Banjo Corp Poly Valves and Fittings

    4-Bolt Ball Valves


    Current Day Banjo

    Let's time warp forward a few decades to 2006. Banjo Corporation joined IDEX Fluid & Metering Technologies Division. This further strengthened the IDEX global position and allowed them to deliver complete fluid handling solutions for Agricultural and Industrial applications. In today's marketplace, Banjo is recognized as a world-class producer of a broad and diverse range of mechanical/electrical valves, self-priming centrifugal pumps, and fittings for agriculture and various industrial applications. The Banjo name is prevalent wherever quality fluid handling solutions are required throughout the world.

    Banjo boasts a large fleet of molding presses and numerous machining and assembly cells. OEM customers worldwide trust Banjo due to the long track record of delivery quality products. This sets Banjo apart from the rest of the pack:

    • Part specification tolerances at one-ten thousandth of an inch
    • 36 plastic injection-molding presses
    • Capacity of up to 17,000 valves produced each day
    • 3-day lead-times
    • 98%+ first-pass yield

    Commitment to Quality Control

    In order to maintain their quality, Banjo has implemented various checks throughout their manufacturing process:

    • Multiple finished goods inspections
    • Daily process checks to isolate potential issues
    • Monthly Rapid Improvement Events to identify opportunities where operations can be improved
    • Inbound material inspection

    Jack Canine ingrained a commitment to product innovation at the inception of this organization. That commitment to product innovation has continued since 1959, when Jack set out to design a better knife to apply anhydrous ammonia. Not only is Banjo committed to product innovation but to customer-driven innovation. Some examples of that include:

    • Quick-change manifold systems to improve ease-of-use and versatility
    • Electric valve product line tailored to specific OEM needs
    • Patented Dry-Mate dry disconnects which tremendously reduce the possibility of spillage

    The Banjo name is synonymous with high quality products delivered on time. From oilfield applications all the way to cornfield applications you can see the Banjo name prominently displayed on various valves, fittings, and couplers. Here is a link to our Banjo manufacturer page on We hope you enjoyed this manufacturer highlight. Stop back any time!

    (0) Wheat Prices Set to Soar - Or Are They?

    Wheat Market - From Then to Now

    If you have had your finger anywhere close to the agricultural market in the past few years you know it is somewhat depressed. Especially, since we hit highs for corn around $7/bu back in 2013. This was such a rapid incline in grain prices that it somewhat threw the markets out of balance. Anyone that has remotely studied markets is familiar with the pendulum effect. If a market swings drastically in one direction, it is bound to swing back just as hard - if not harder - in the opposite direction.

    This market effect could be potentially unfolding before our eyes this summer. Heat waves around the world are driving the price of wheat higher. Europe and Asia are seeing abnormal heat, which is burning up the wheat crop on these geographical regions. While the United States has seen heat as well - it hasn't necessarily been in wheat country. We live in a tremendously global market environment. The prices we see daily, are affected by what happens across the pond and all over the world.

    European & Asian Wheat Farmers

    Therefore, the distress that European and Asian farmers are currently experiencing is positively impacting the US wheat farmer. Simple supply and demand is causing this increase in the wheat market. Because there is less supply going into the market place from our European and Asian competitors, their 2018 wheat crop is expected to be less than the forecast. Whenever there is a shortage in a market, the commodity begins to increase in price. The less you have of something the more valuable it becomes.

    Russia, Ukraine, France, and Great Britain are all European countries which have wheat farmers that are being negatively impacted by the 2018 heat waves. On August 2nd, Chicago wheat futures hit three-year highs to around $5.50/bu (The Wall Street Journal).

    A Look Back into History

    Looking at an aggregate chart of wheat prices since 1960, we can see fairly large market clips occurring about every seven to ten years. On average, these pullbacks are about 50% down from the high. The most recent high was back in December of 2007 at just under $12/bu. We seem to have found a level of support at roughly $4/bu. Currently, we are sitting at a $5/bu.

    Wheat Prices Since 1960, Source

    Wheat Prices Since 1960, Source:


    Looking at historical trends it appears as though wheat prices are on the up-and-up. It seems that the market has found a much more agreeable level of support. I say 'agreeable' since one can clearly see the higher lows met with higher highs in 2016-2018. We did not see this back in 2010-2012 failed rally. The market wasn't ready to correct and thus we were sent into a further recession.

    Now, it seems the market is posed to regain the losses from 2012. Where we have seen about a 57% clip in the price of wheat - to the low in August of 2016.

    Sometimes markets require a little extra push or catalyst to take off. A shortage in supply can absolutely be that catalyst. The US is positioned well in the current global wheat market and pose to reap the rewards of healthy crops.

    Is an Increase in Wheat Futures a Certainty?

    Now, we must acknowledge the tariff war and how that could potentially affect US wheat farmers. China has imposed tariffs on American grain and oil-seed imports. If we could look at wheat prices in a vacuum, one would say the US wheat farmer is posed to prosper over the next few years. The global supply and demand issues we addressed above, along with the technical analysis of the chart presented above both suggest this is the case. However, trade wars generally don't impact the farm market in a beneficial manner. It's difficult to say what is going to happen but all things aside - wheat looks posed to make a run.

    As always we hope you find this post to be informative and educational. You may ask yourself how Dultmeier Salescomes into play in the wheat market. We offer a wide product selection to help enable producers plant, fertilize, and protect their crops through herbicide/fungicide applications. Check out our Agricultural Division page here. Stop back soon!

    (0) Fill-Rite: The Red Pump - A Tuthill Brand

    Intro to Tuthill

    In this month's Manufacturer of the Month highlight we showcase Fill-Rite.  The long-standing, reliable 'Red Pump' has been an industry staple for years.  When someone sees a red fuel pump in the field they quickly recognize the Fill-Rite brand.  Our primary connection with Fill-Rite is in the petroleum and fuel delivery industries that we serve.  Let's dive a little deeper into the history of this wonderful brand.

    The Inception of the Tuthill Gear Pump

    The inception of this company dates all the way back to 1892 in Chicago, IL.  An industry dilemma of construction material supply sparked the creation of Tuthill Pump Company.  James B. Tuthill needed to come up with a way to efficiently transfer clay from deep in the quarries to supply the rapidly expanding Chicago urban development industry.  His invention to solve this supply issue was a steam-powered truck engine.

    However, a critical component that truly paved the future for Tuthill was the small gear pump that injected fuel oil directly into the truck boiler.  As Tuthill refined the pump design he began to market it to companies that produced oil-fired boilers for use in residential and industrial heating.  Then, in 1927 the Tuthill Pump Company was formed by James B. Tuthill and Gary B. Tuthill.  The sole purpose of this venture was to manufacture and sell lube/oil burner pumps.  The Tuthill internal gear pump was widely accepted by the marketplace and opened the doors to what is the present-day Tuthill Corporation.

    Fill-Rite - A Brand is Born

    In 1961 Tuthill acquired Ossian Engineering Company.  This acquisition resulted in the introduction of the Fill-Rite brand of fuel and metering products.  Since the early 1960s the Fill-Rite brand has been a leader in the fuel/oil transfer industry.  Innovation, ruggedness, quality, and reliability are all synonymous with the Fill-Rite name.  Tuthill Transfer Systems broke ground on their state-of-the art production facility in Fort Wayne, IN in 1995.  This facility continues to serve as a world-class production facility, to this day.

    Then, in 1998 the Fill-Rite brand was grown even further with the addition of Fluid Power Products, Inc.  While offering an extremely reliable and efficient way to move and transfer petroleum based products - more was deemed necessary.  It only made sense to offer an ancillary product line where the solutions could be accurately measured, in addition to being efficiently transferred.  Today, this product line is now known as Fill-Rite Precision Meters.  The expansion of the Fill-Rite brand extends the capabilities of fuel pumps by offering highly accurate weights and measurement metering systems.  You can view our manufacturer's page on Fill-Rite meters here.

    Innovation Continued in Fuel Delivery

    This past year, Fill-Rite has continued to offer new products that ensure its name stays at the top of the pack in petroleum-based product transfer applications.  We want to point out the NX3200 Series pump with Nextec Intelligence.  This pump can be operated in either 12V or 24V DC with a continuous duty motor - the first of its kind.  This highly efficient pump produces 25 GPM with an extremely low amp draw.  Furthermore, Intelligent Tones inform operators when attention is needed.

    NX3200 Nextec Fuel Pump Package


    Innovation Continued in DEF Delivery

    Furthermore, Fill-Rite has offered a new Diesel Exhaust Fuel (DEF) delivery package in the past year.  The AdBlue Pump System allows for efficient transfer of DEF.  The bracket allows the pump to be mounted directly over a IBC shuttle valve on a cage tank.  This pump package can produce 8 GPM.  It is available in either 12 Volt or 120 Volt  options.  You can view a 120 Volt package here and a 12 Volt package here.

    Fill-Rite DEF Package


    A long and fruitful relationship has allowed us to reach this point in our partnership and we are looking forward to many more years together.  You can view our Fill-Rite Pump page here to shop the various Fill-Rite pump products that we offer.  Fill-Rite meters can be viewed here.  We sincerely hope that you enjoyed this Manufacturer of the Month highlight and look forward to visiting in the future.

    We are your Experts in Delivering Fluid Handling Services.  Remember, at Dultmeier Sales - We Know Flow.


    Markets Served by GPI Brands

    GPI products are heavily used in the petroleum and oil transfer industries. Furthermore, they serve in agricultural, industrial, chemical handling, construction, mining, and many other markets. Great Plains Industries is home to the GPI, FLOMEC, and GRPO brands.

    Where the Products are Made

    Great Plains Industries' products are produced in the heart of the Midwest - Kansas. At their Witchita headquarters, more than 200 employees help manufacture GPI products. In 2013, the company acquired Trimec Industries of Sydney, Australia. Trimec, now called GPI Australia, is one of the top Australian manufacturers of positive displacement oval gear, insertion and impeller flow meters. Both Great Plains Industries and Great Plains Industries Australia are recognized and known for rugged engineering and durability.

    Dultmeier Sales inventories and offers a wide array of GPI product lines, From rotary pumps to either 12V or 115V options to a multitude of meters. Additionally, we inventory some GPI oil and lube pumps.

    GPI's strong work ethic is evident throughout a long-standing heritage - one of commitment to serving their customers and exceeding expectations. The business is family owned, and this fact continues to play heavily into their customer focus mentality.

    Flexible Manufacturing System

    Recently, Great Plains Industries has embarked on a number of manufacturing technology improvements. For example, the Flexible Manufacturing System project has allowed the company to achieve greater efficiency, production capacity, and higher quality control. CEO Vic Lukic stated, "Innovation is key for GPI and these capital investments create tremendous value for us as a supplier, but more importantly for our distributors and their customers."

    "We continually improve processes and examine new and better ways of producing our products," said Jeff Methe, Operations Manager. By continually improving their processes, Great Plains Industries can ensure a commitment to improving efficiencies, reducing waste, and lowering costs - all to better serve their customers around the world.

    You can shop GPI products on or give us a ring Monday through Friday (7:30 am to 5 pm Central Time). Check out our GPI Manufacturer page right here. Enjoy!

    (0) Giant Pumps - Performance Under Pressure

    Thanks for stopping by again. This month we want to dive into Giant Industries and highlight them as a partnering manufacturer. Giant Industries works to provide superior solutions in all markets they serve and here's how they do it. Let's start out by looking back into the history books address how Giant has evolved over the years.

    The History of Giant Industries

    Ray Simon founded the Giant Towel Company in 1972. Towels were sold all over North America to car wash OEM's and through wholesale distribution channels. Then, in the mid-1970's Giant became the North American distributor for Speck Kolbenpumpen Fabrik, a German pump manufacturer. Speck offered a unique pump line, along with accessories, that quickly gained market acceptance. Widespread use by OEM's and distributors, alike, helped the Giant name become known as a staple product in the car/truck washing, pressure washing and sewer/jetting markets. Furthermore, the quality of this German pump and accessory line gained widespread demand throughout various industrial applications as well.

    Giant Pumps Begins Manufacturing

    When the 1980's rolled around, Giant Industries began to offer their own manufactured items to compliment the German-made pumps and accessories. This was done to address some unique requirements for pumps and accessories in the North American market, specifically. Giant Pumps began building its own line of accessories such as shut-off guns, accumulators, and unloader valves. As the Giant-manufactured products began to gain market acceptance, their manufacturing requirements increased, thus forcing the organization to acquire new facilities in order to meet market demand.

    In the mid-1980's Giant began to offer pump and motor units to the pressure washing market. Additionally, Giant started to make axial pumps in Toledo which sparked the requirement for further expansion and yet, another facility. The addition of this facility has allowed Giant Pumps to meet various market demand - from car/truck washing all the way to sewer cleaning. At the current facility, Giant is able to manufacture both axial and plunger pumps, pump systems and a line of towel products.

    Giant Triplex Plunger Pump

    Giant Triplex Plunger Pump


    Vertical Market Exposure

    As Giant has expanded in its manufacturing capabilities it has decided to take on more market exposure in existing markets - by offering those markets even more cross-related products under the Giant umbrella. The main focal point being an offering of complete pump systems. Offering custom-units helps Giant Industries' customers concentrate on they key tasks that allow their businesses to remain profitable. Giant offers pumps and pump systems that require more than 1,000 HP to drive pumps. That is a massive pump system. To put that in perspective, the largest pump unit that Dultmeier Sales has manufactured, to date, is a 150 HP centrifugal pump unit. That unit weighed 3,100 lbs. And we thought we dealt with some large pumping systems!

    Giant Turbo Nozzle

    Giant Turbo Nozzle


    Giant Industries Product Mix

    Dultmeier Sales has been a long-time partner with Giant Industries and we truly do value the relationship that we have built, together, over the years. While Dultmeier Sales does represent many other manufacturers that are viewed as competitors of Giant Pumps, we know that when we are selling Giant products to a customer we can assure them nothing, but the best of quality - followed up by impeccable service. Whether you are in the market for Giant pumps, spray guns, towels, pump oil, wash prep systems, nozzles, unloader valves or relief valves - we can be your one-stop-shop for all things Giant pump related.

    Giant Pop-Off Relief Valve

    Giant Pop-Off Relief Valve


    As always, thanks for stopping by and we look forward to visiting soon. Take care!

    (0) John Blue - An American Icon in Agricultural Pumps

    How it All Began...

    John Blue's story originates in Richmond County, North Carolina during the late 1800s.  Cotton was the main cash crop that fueled the local agricultural industry during that time period.  Manual labor was the primary labor input with additional power supplied by mules.  A young man, by the name of John Blue began to see an opportunity develop.  His innovative mind began to realize how the cotton farming process could be improved and how greater efficiencies could be brought into the industry.

    John and his father, Angus, established a business to repair cotton gin parts in 1886.  As the industry evolved, the need for more efficient methods of distributing fertilizer and cottonseed birthed the invention of the John Blue Cotton Planter.  This invention helped to revolutionize farming.  As the business grew, its ability to manufacture implements and cast metal parts evolved, as well.  It wasn't until the early 1900s that John Blue obtained patents for all of his inventions.

    John Blue's Vision for Agriculture

    The primary goal of John Blue was to make farming dependent upon machinery - not man-power.  He set out to make implements available to all farmers - and to do this, he understood that he must continually lower his cost of production.

    In 1945 disaster struck as the John Blue Foundry was destroyed by fire.  John Jr. then moved the company to Huntsville, Alabama where it still exists today.  The Huntsville location was chosen not only for the fact that it lies in the bosom of southern agriculture but also because it is in close proximity to iron ore.  Lastly, there was a coal foundry available.  These three, key, ingredients allowed the company to flourish into new product offerings.  In the early Huntsville years, the John Blue Company manufactured liquid applicator pumps, self-propelled sprayers, cotton module makers, small tractors, nurse units, cotton wagons, and dry/liquid anhydrous ammonia applicators.

    In 1967 the John Blue Company was sold to new ownership.  Then in the 1980s, the challenges of the agricultural economy gave the company good reason to consolidate its product offerings and focus on pumps, flow dividers, manifolds and accessories for applying liquid chemicals and fertilizers.  During this time frame, CDS Ag Industries, Inc. was operating on the west coast - out of Chino, California.  Their primary business was a manufacturer of squeeze tube pumps and irrigation pumps.  These two companies merged in 2000 to form what is present-day John Blue Company, which is a division of Advanced Systems Technology.

    Next Generation Ground Drive Piston Pump from John Blue

    Next Generation Ground Drive Piston Pump (NGP8055)


    130 Years Later...

    John Blue products are synonymous with the ruggedness, quality, and reliability that the agricultural industry demands.  Recent innovations include the variable rate hydraulic driven piston pump and direct hydraulic drive for piston pumps.  Other product offerings such as the patented electronic liquid blockage monitor system and visagage orifice selector continue to bring John Blue Sr.'s dream to reality - revolutionize farming and ensure dependency upon quality machinery - not man-power.

    Check out our manufacturer's page which highlights all the John Blue products that we offer.

    (0) Pulley & Sheave Sizing - All Types of Pump Motors

    We commonly receive the call to help assist in properly sizing pulleys and sheaves for pump applications.  Generally, this is in high pressure wash applications but we also run into a fair amount of agricultural applications where this knowledge can be leveraged.  Pulleys or "sheaves" are commonly used for connecting pumps to motors or engines via drive belts.  Most pulleys are cast iron or aluminum construction and are offered in either fixed-bore or tapered bushing styles.

    Why is it Necessary to Size Pulleys for Each Application?

    For proper operation of any brand or pump type, it is critical to size pulleys and sheaves, correctly, in order to maintain correct RPM, (revolutions per minute)RPM speed is what determines the pump output flow rate - in gallons per minute, liters per minute, etc.

    Incorrect pump RPM will adversely affect the pump performance.  If the pump is turning too slow - it will not give full performance.  Conversely, if the pump is turning too fast, it could cause premature mechanical failures (i.e. valve wear or elastomer failure).

    Therefore, it is absolutely critical to ensure correct pulley sizing and analysis of the drive unit, (motor, engine, etc.) relative to the pump. For the sake of this discussion, we will assume standard electric motors at 1750 RPM and standard gas engines at 3400 RPM.  Do note, one must determine the rpm of their drive unit to be able to accurately calculate the pulley/sheave size.

    If you start with an incorrect figure for RPM - you will size your equipment incorrectly.  This could lead to shorter equipment lifespans and/or reduced output flow rates.  Thus, ultimately a less efficient system which equates to more down time and added cost of operation.  The scope of this post will be focused towards plunger pump applications.  We assemble many units using this method in Omaha, Nebraska.  Dultmeier Sales is proud to display the Built in the USA logo on our products.  Here are just a handful of the pulley-driven pump products that we offer.

    The Math of Pulley Sizing

    There are complicated formulas for determining pulley ratios but in generic, layman terms, simply divide the driven component (pump) by RPM, the driver component (motor or engine) rated by RPM to get the required ratio.  In the example below, the pump RPM is 1070, for full output, while the motor is 1750 RPM.

    Therefore, the ratio of the required pulleys would be:

    1070 (pump RPM) divided by 1750 (motor RPM) = .611

    This means the pulley ratio must be .611 to drive the pump correctly.  Hypothetically speaking, if we had a 4 inch pulley on the motor, we would require a 6.55" pulley on the pump.  That mathematical equation is as follows: 4" divided by .611 = 6.55"

    For the same pump, driven by a gas engine

    1070 (pump RPM) divided by 3400 (engine RPM) = .315 

    If the drive pulley on the engine is 4 inches in diameter, we need to calculate 4/.315 = 12.70.  This means that the pump pulley must be 12.70 inches, in diameter, to run the pump at 1070 rpm.  You can view a technical page from our catalog here - it will help to further explain the calculation process.

    Tapered Bushing vs. Fixed Shaft Bores

    Most pulleys, or sheaves, are designed with either fixed shaft bores or tapered bushing hubs.  Replaceable hubs fit the required motor or pump shaft size in either inch or mm sizes - depending on the application requirement.  These hubs come with bolts to attach them to the pulley, or sheave.

    Tapered Bushing


    Tapered style hubs simply fit into the pulley opening and then are tightened with two or three set screws, which draw the bushing and pulley together to make one assembly.  The pulleys are then attached to the driver (electric motor or gas engine) and driven components (pump).  The type of hub, H, SD, SH, etc. must match to a pulley with the same designation for proper fit.

    Therefore, make sure to identify what type of hub you have PRIOR to ordering.

    Pulleys can be measured in a number of ways. Two of the most common methods are belt pitch and outside diameter (O.D.).  When using the, most common A/B, belt pitch method, one must identify both A belt pitch and B belt pitch.  This is the pitch diameter of the V-belt you are using, (A/B) is the measurement of how the belt fits into the groove of the pulley.

    pitch length


    A belts are not as wide as B belts and, therefore, sit lower in the pulley groove.  While this may seem as a minor detail - it absolutely affects the ratio measurement when properly sizing a pulley.

    Pulleys are available with different numbers of grooves. The number of grooves matches the number of belts that the pulley will accept.  A two groove pulley will accept two V-belts.  A single groove pulley will only accept one belt.

    Again as a general rule, (but not intended to use in every application) single groove pulleys with single belts can be used up to about 5 horsepower. Two groove belts can be used from 5-15 horsepower and three groove belts up to 25 horsepower.  Use this as a general guideline but always make sure you consult us if you are unsure of your application needs.

    Two Groove Sheaves

    Two Groove Pulleys


    For correct belt sizing, there are charts available that show the sum of the pulley diameters and the center distance they are apart, from each other.  We will be happy to supply you with one of those charts if you wish to have a copy.

    For instance, the sum of the two pulleys, in the above electric motor example is 4 inches + 6.5 inches = 10.5 inches.  The mathematical equation to figure this out is as follows:

    A - Pump Pulley O.D.    B - Motor Pulley O.D.

    Belt Size = [A*1.57] + [B*1.57] + [2*center distance between pulleys]

    76.5 = [4*1.57] + [6.5*1.57] + [2*30]

    If the pulleys are 30 inches apart, center to center, then the required belt length would be 77 inches.

    As the information above shows, there are many things involved in order to determine the correct pulleys required to drive your pumps correctly.  It is important to remember the larger the difference in pulley sizes, the larger the center distance required to maintain minimum contact with the smaller pulley.  We would be glad to help with any sizing for your specific applications.  Your Experts in Delivering Fluid Handling Solutions - We Know Flow!

    (0) Dura Products - Technology with Lasting Value

    The Chemical Transfer Equipment Industry Challenges

    A long-standing challenge within the chemical transfer equipment industry has been rugged electronics that can stand up to harsh environments.  In the past five years, one company stepped up, in a big way, to address this issue.  The issue I am hinting at is the necessary ruggedness required by the agricultural industry for chemical pumps and meters.  End users in the chemical transfer industry have, in the past, wrestled with the challenge of finding a meter/pump combination that is able to take the necessary beating the agricultural industry throws at it - while maintaining accuracy and performance attributes.

    The use of products that lack ruggedness and robust design results in decreased efficiency, inaccurate readings, poor use of time, and higher maintenance/repair costs.  Every single point I just hit on directly increases the end users' cost.  Dura Products has and will continue to help the end user lower those costs by offering the market place something it was so desperately seeking - Rugged Quality Products.

    Dura Products & Lasting Value

    Dura Products has decided to step up and address this concern that has challenged the industry for years now.  From simple in-line meters to diaphragm pumps to complete pumping systems - Dura has ensured quality control on their products and they genuinely care about how that quality is perceived by end users.

    At the time of this writing, Dultmeier Sales has been a distributor for Dura Products for roughly one year.  Dura Products runs the extra mile, in regards to, ensuring quality in their products has helped them stand out in the market place.  We are starting to see more and more customers gravitate towards Dura Products.  Are they offering sweet incentives to purchase their products?  No, they are not.  What they have done is supply the market place with rugged and quality products and tremendous service to back up those products.

    Less downtime, more accurate readings, improved ruggedness, and increased quality are staples the end user can expect when running a Dura Products item.  This company shows an insatiable desire to deliver quality to the market place.  That is what I have witnessed in our short and blossoming relationship with Dura Products.

    Dura Products Offering Package

    Shop Dura Product Pumps Here


    Ag Dura-Pump Features

    Shop Dura Product Pumps Here

    Dura Ag Product Pump


    Dura-Meter: True Ruggedness

    The meter is the user interface to 76% of Dura Products' Ag Systems packages.  Dura Products has addressed a major issue in the design of this meter.  That issue being the majority of meter failures result from moisture and abuse.  Now, let's be real - the agricultural industry isn't going to play any nicer with a $50 widget than it is with a $500 widget.

    By acknowledging that simple and known fact, Dura Products justified the need for a rugged meter that was able to withstand the beating thrown at it by the agricultural industry - and still maintain the ability to accurately measure chemical in the field. Thus the Dura Meter was born.


    Dura Meter DP3000E


    Key Benefits of the Dura-Meter

    • 100% Moisture Sealed Circuitry
    • Faceplate Made of Impact Resistant
    • Easy-to-Calibrate
    • Menu Driven, Backlit Display
    • Plumbed for Both In-Line and 90 Degree Applications - no additional adapters needed
    • Extended Battery Life: 4 "AAA" Batteries
    • Power Life Constantly Displayed
    • Features 2 Year Warranty
    • You Can Use the Face Plate to Fit a Flowserve/Scienco Meter - the bolt hole patterns match between the two meters

    Dura-Pump Easy Caddy

    The Easy Caddy system is an efficient and clean way to keep your chemical distribution system tidy, as well as, protected.  The Easy Caddy keeps the pump directly above the IBC shuttle valve - this is beneficial as forklift operators need to only be concerned with one side of the shuttle.  All the equipment that could potentially be damaged is contained on one side of the shuttle and kept neatly organized.

    Conversely, if the end user fancies a top mount or, the more portable, ground version - those options are also available.  We have seen many retailers and growers, alike, gravitate towards the side mount style, recently.

    Shop Dura-Pump Easy Caddy Now

    Dura-Pump Easy Caddy


    Dura Auto Batch System - Limitless Opportunities

    The Auto Batch system allows the operator to remotely program and distribute chemical.  Again, the Dura Meter is the main interface for this system.  The Auto Batch system does have a manual mode if you wish to top off a shuttle or container.  The system can be reverted back to automated mode at the flip of a switch.

    Shop Dura Auto Batch System Now

    Dura Auto Batch System


    Chemical Compatibility

    Dura Products not only ensures greater quality in their products, but they want to make sure that customers are educated on proper chemical compatibility.  You can have the greatest pump/meter combination in the world but if you are running a product that is incompatible with the elastomers - you are going to ruin the equipment.

    For this reason, Dura Products relies on distributors and end users, alike, to confirm chemical compatibility.  Dura Products offers their pump and meter systems in three stock elastomer options: EPDM, Viton, and Silicone. Check out a previous post that we wrote up on the product trade-named Resicore and the importance of chemical compatibility.

    Here is a link to a wonderful Chemical Compatibility Chart that Dura Products has published.

    It's extremely reassuring to know that a manufacturer, not only puts this much emphasis on quality assurance but an equal emphasis on chemical compatibility.  Marketplace education is a huge focal point for the Dura Products team, as it is with the Dultmeier Sales team.

    2 Year Maintenance & Warranty Program

    So, now that we have discussed all the wonderful benefits of Dura Products physical attributes in their products - let's touch on their two-year warranty program for pumps and meters.  All Dura Products items have a two-year service warranty program.  If it breaks or malfunctions - Dura Products wants it back.  They will make the repairs and then send out the refurbished unit(s).  This further helps maintain their process of quality control.

    It's extremely reassuring to work with a manufacturer that exemplifies this commitment to producing and ensuring quality products.  Equipment that falls under warranty period and parameters will be repaired, or replaced, and returned at no cost to the customer.

    Secondly, the two-year maintenance program allows customers to coordinate a return to Dura for refurbishment of pumps and meters - at no charge.  Within this program, Dura Products will triple rinse pumps and/or meters to ensure no cross contamination is possible.  All equipment will be taken apart and evaluated to ensure seals, gaskets, and internal components are operationally acceptable.

    During this process, any parts that are still under warranty will be replaced at no charge.  If any parts need to be replaced, that are not under warranty (i.e. broken housing, damaged parts, chemical compatibility issues, cut cords, etc.), they will be replaced and charged to the customer with NO additional labor charges.  Lastly, the customer will be notified of all findings associated with cost and ETA of when the equipment can be expected back to the end user.  This is another facet that truly sets Dura Products apart from the rest of the pack.

    This concludes our Manufacturer of the Month highlight.  We hope that you enjoyed this write up on Dura Products and sincerely hope that you stop back soon.  Take care and be safe out there.